Imagine for @xxGrunge_5sosxx

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It was a typical day in Australia. You, your brother y/b/n, your sister y/s/n, your best friend y/f/n and your cousin y/c/n decided to go to the park. You were currently hanging by the baseball field bleachers. You saw two boys walking your way. One was blonde and really tall and the other one a little shorter with dark hair. you go over by the dug out with your sister and BFF to fish your hair. By the time you look around you see they were already talking to your brother and cousin. "Hi I'm Ali!" You say to the boys. They both smile. "I'm Luke and this is Calum." The blonde boy says winking. You smile and blush. You were talking about  ages and what not. It turns out they were you age (14). Then the sprinklers come on making Luke jump and get out of the way. You guys then moved to the other bleachers across the way. "So what school do you two go to?" you ask. "Oh we go to Meadow park. You?" Calum asks. "Oh I go to Pleasant grove." You say smiling. "Oh cool we have friends who go there. "Oh cool what are there names?" I ask. "Michael and Ash-" "Ali's a stalker!" your little brother says. "No I am not!" you say offended. "She has a picture of her crush in a frame." You younger sister says. "That was a present and they got me that as a joke! I didn't ask for it" You say bright red. The boys just laughed. "Hey we should play a game." Luke suggests. "Ok" you say and everyone walks to the playground. "Let's play infection tag." Luke says and being as clueless as you are you ask, "What' that?" ( I am not saying you are clueless. This actually happened to me before. It just wasn't Luke and Calum). "Oh its where you tag someone and then they have to help you tag the rest of the people." Luke says. "Oh ok." you say. "So who's it?' Calum says. "Nose goes" your BFF says. Everyone says nose goes except your little brother. "Sorry y/b/n, but your it." your sister says. He starts counting so everyone runs. Everyone get to a fork in the path, you sister and BFF go one direction and Calum go in the other. You decide to follow Luke and Calum. Who wouldn't follow hot guys. Everyone and is running and playing, your brother and cousin are the only two it. You haven't seen your sister or your BFF. Your cousin then comes running towards you and Luke since Calum is nowhere to be found. You and Luke are running you both hide behind the bushes. Luke then says, "Ali you go that way I'll distract him." You then run to the left and Luke runs to the right and the circles back to you. You both are breathing heavy. When your brother comes running towards the two of you. You get cornered but Luke is still behind your brother. He is after you because he knows Luke is faster. Luke try's to help you escape instead of running away. Once you and him run away together you meet back up with Calum and hide under a play structure. It's there that you fall for Luke. "Doesn't she look familiar?" Calum says. "No not really." Luke says. "Ok so we know if they come after us we can out run them but what about her?" Calum asks. "Don't worry I will protect you." Luke says coming out from under the play structure and you and Calum follow his lead. It's there that they yell for the boys. They come and try to tag you guys but then your cousin yells. "Oh my god I just saw a guy with a gun." You guys didn't believe him but started to walk home anyway since it was almost dark. Then Luke says "Who's that! Someone yell Mom!" Luke says pointing to the figure emerging from the dark. "Mom!!" Luke yells but then says "Someone with a girly voice yell mom. "Mom!!" You yell since you went out of shock since Luke was trying to save you guys by knowing what to do. "Yes sweetie! I brought water!!" you mom replies. "Oh thank God that was my mom." you say. Your cousin and your brother go get water. "So Ali do you have an instagram?" Luke asks. "No but y/f/n does." you say. You guys then exchange numbers instead. Then Calum and Luke walk you home and you have stayed in touch with Luke ever since.

I hope you like it. I wrote this from a real life situation. I had to tweak a few thing but still I hope you enjoyed reading it.

Thank you guys for all the reads and votes. Love ya!! <3;))

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