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Back to the story, this is a short chapter. Now, let the drama start.


I stared at my reflection. This can't be real! it's all a dream, yeah! a really realistic dream, but a dream overall!. I finally snapped out of my thoughts as i remembered the animatronics. Oh no. Looked around trying to find a way to escape. 'The roof. If i could only reach there!-hold on, i have wings!' i facepalmed. " (Y|N)!!!" i hard a voice say from the hall. I run out of the room and into one of the party rooms until i could no longer hear the cries of the human-animatronics. Then, i made my way as silently as possible to the main room. Luckily, no one was there. Yes!. I knew the doors will be locked so i'll just stay on the ceiling until six am. I stretched my wings and tried flapping them. The noise of the powerful flaps i was giving must have alerted the others because i heard heavy foot steps coming my way. I closed my eyes and waited. Only to hit my head with something hard. I pressed my hand against my mouth to prevent me from screaming in pain. I open my eyes and was meet with the roof. I did it. I am flying. I ginned and entered the ventilations. I followed the path the path until i was meet with the roof. I did it! I escaped. I smiled widely and shoot high in the air. The Cold wind acted like blades cutting my cheeks, but i payed no mind to it. I just enjoyed the feeling of freedom. Free to go anywhere i wanted to. Free to Fly. Soon i spotted my house. Luckily, the living room's window was open. I slowed down the best i could. And when i say that i mean face planting into the floor.No fun. I went up to my room and stared nice again at my reflection in the bathroom's mirror. I can't look like this in front of my school. I'll think of that in the morning. Night world. i thought as finally fell asleep.


Did you just skip work? BAD READER-CHAN!~

See you next chapter my fellow reader. 

The Camera (FNAF x Reader x Creepypasta)Where stories live. Discover now