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   Lulu here!~ As i promised! here is the chapter.It's extra long. Oh! right! i almost forgot, you are kinda turning into my OC. So..... Ready to meet the pastas?~


"(Y|N)! WAKE UP!" A voice screamed in my ear. I jumped and slapped who ever woke me up. Servs them right.... I opened my tired eyes to stare at the familiar female-like mask. Masky sato n the floor, rubbing the spot where i probably hitted him. "You hit preatty hard, for a girl" The masked teen said, standing up. I gravved both sides of his mask and lifted up a Little to get a peek if i had left a mark or something. "Sorry! Does it hurt?! Ididn't mean to! Sor-" i was cut off by Masky grabbing both of my hands and pulling them off his mask. " You talk too much" He blushed, not that i noticed though. On the other hand, i was a blushing mess and he noticed. The boy laughed face and pulled me off my bed and out of the room. I followed behind Masky as he guided me downstairs. The living room was huge. My jaw dropped at the sight, making the teen beside me chukle. He then took me to the next room, the dinning room. He sat me down in one of the chairs of a HUGE table, and then took a seat besides me.

It didn't take long for the rest of the habitants of the mansion joined in. Different people came to sit down, but they all shared something in common. They could scare of even the bravest man on earth. It took a while until someone notice me. I shwifted uncomfortable and looked down on my lap. Masky patted me on my back, "Calm down. They won't hurt you" . I nodded and looked up, determinate to not be a coward (Lulu-Bipolar much?). The person looking at me was a Little gir in a cute pink dress and a teddy bear. The only thing off her was the blood coming from her forehead. I tensed up. Poor little girl. All i wanted to do is stand up and hug her. The girl smiled brightly and waved at me. I waved up with a warm smile. Moments later, Slenderman walked inside the room, carrying with each tentacle plates full of sausages, bacon, pancakes, waffle, you name it!. While i eat, i received looks from the creepypastas, some friendly, some some perverted and others questioning.

After breakfast Slender made all of them introduce to me. First came up a boy. He looked eighteen, had black hair and pale skin that could put the colour white to shame. The boy was wearing a blood stained white hoodie, black pants and black converse. Though the most outstanding facts about his appearance were his unbalanceable eyes and a cute smile He gave me the creeps. " Name's Jeff. Jeff the killer" He growled. Someone woke up with the wrong foot. " (Y|N)" i said. Up next came a link-look-alike. The only differences between both were those black eyes and the red pupil. "BEN DROWNED, babe" he flirted. He is even shorter up close! JAJA! " Hello, shortie! my name is (Y|N) and i am way to tall for you!" i said, cheerfully patting his head. To my surprise, some of the creepy pastas bursted out laughing. BEN smirked, " We'll see what you think in the end". The next boy came after him. He was being accompanied by Masky . He had an orange hoodie, black pants, black tennis and a black mask with a red frown painted on it. "I-I'm..H-Hoodie" he said, shyly. Awww. He was pushed to the side by a VERY hipper looking man. He had a stripped hoodie, black pants, black shoes, a pair of gloves, Goggles, a mouth guard and a belt to hold both of his axes." Hi! I'm Ticci Toby! But you can call me Toby!". He was pushed aside by a monochrome clown with sharp claws. Damn. He bursted out laughing. Ain't that normal? " JAJAJAJAJ My name is Laughing Jack! AJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJ L.J. for short!" And off he went, laughing like a maniac. The next boy stepped in. He wore a black hoodie, pants and shoes. He had a blue mask, with dripping black holes on it. " I'm Eyeless jack. Please, call me E.J." the man said quietly before walking off to god know where. Finally, the little girl came up to me. She smiled at me, " Hi miss! my name is Sally! and this is Charlie!" She greeted me. After a few more introductions, i ended up in a conversation with the other proxies.

"Toby did what?!" i shouted at Masky who laughed at me. " He jumped out of my window, backwards!, right Hoodie?" the masked teen said. The shy boy only nodded as Ticci Toby pouted at us. " It was an accident!" Toby wailed. " You still did it!" Mask argued back. I just laughed at them both. I was most certainly going to like this place. Who know? Maybe i can fit in just fine.


(You are wearing this!)

Masky lunged at me. I quickly dogged to the left, but i was too slow. The masked teen pinned me to the floor, "Your too slow, (Y|N)". It's been a week since i arrived and i have been put to train with Masky. I don't mean to brag but i am about to beat him. Oh! before i forget!, my creepypasta name is Fallen 1 ( My OC name). I pried him off me and quickly swag my scythe at Masky's neck. Before any harm was made, i stopped inches away from his neck. A round of applause were heard from behind us. I looked back to see grinning Toby and smiling Hoodie. " Good job" Masky said with a smile which i soon returned. I had finally beat him!. I did a little victory dance , my wings moving up and down, making the boys laugh at how ridiculous i looked. " Come on, let's go back to the mansion! I'm hungry for Waffles!" My eyes widened. "NOT THE WAFFLES!" I took off the ground and flew after Toby. Mask and Hoodie shared a look before shaking their heads and ruined after us. "Last one to the kitchen has to clean after dinner!" I shouted over to the boys behind me as i entered through the kitchen window. I rushed over to get a stack of waffled and sat down in the table to eat. I was right. Not long after my first day here, i became friends with most of the habitants of the Slender mansion, as i learn it was called. Every now and then, Slender, would send me in missions with or without the other proxies company. I admit, it did take me a while to get use to killing but i soon got the hang of it. You could possible say i am insane.... Oh well!~

Soon, Toby arrived. Hoodie and Masky ended up with a tie so we decided we should all forget we even made the deal. We now sat on the table, quietly munching out food down."*&#$%!!!!!!" Jeff came running inside the room and left through the back door. An angered Jane close behind. I snickered at them. 'They act like a married couple'. Mask raised an eye brow at me with i returned with a hand wave. We stayed up a little more. It soon turned dark. I helped slender cook dinner and called in the others for dinner. After eating, some left to go killing. I decided to skip tonight's killing and went directly to bed. 'I love it here'. I smiled at my thought as i drifted off to sleep.

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