Chapter 3 *Edited*

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Quick A/N I do not take ownership for the pictures I use. I actually got them off of google images soo. :)

Chapter 3 *Edited*

(Lizzie's P.O.V)

"Ricky slow down! You're gonna rip my damn arm off!" I shouted as Ricky pulled me down the hall with my hand placed in his. Let me just say if I had a nickel for every strange look I got this morning, I would already have enough to buy my dream car and house.

"Oh relax I'm not even pulling you that hard." He laughed slowing down allowing me to come up to his side. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder leading me down the hall. "So new girl, what brings you to Newcast? Was it forced? Or your choice?" Damn this boy asks a lot of questions. "Um.. It wasn't really forced nor was it a choice. Me and my dad moved away from.. Denton Heights and this was the only school in the area."

Ricky nodded and pulled me into a classroom. "Ah good old Denton Heights. How is it now?" I looked at him with a confused look plastered on my face. Why did he want to know about that trash hole. Anytime I mentioned to anyone that I was from Denton they would go running the other direction.

"You look confused. See, the only reason why I asked was because I moved away from there maybe four or five years ago. I was just wondering how it was." He stated before sitting down in his desk. I followed his lead in the desk next to his. He continued before I could answer his previous question.

"I remember there was this girl we called oreo all the time, well I didn't. My friends did though. I never knew the girl but it was rude but I never said anything. You know who I'm talking about?" He asked looking at me. Great, I am sitting next to someone who used to hang out with people who called me an oreo.

I sighed sliding my beanie lower on my head. "Well you see, about that." I chuckled about to continue but the bell rung and the teacher stepped through the door. "Alright, alright! Settle down." The classroom suddenly became silent Allowing the teacher to speak.

"Now students, I'm sure we all know that there is a new student present today. So why don't you come on up here and introduce yourself." She said gesturing for me to stand up front. I got up from my desk and made my way up front. I've always hated introductions. They always made me feel awkward and judged.

I made it up to the front and I instantly felt awkward. This feeling sucks. Sometimes it makes me wonder why it feels awkward. I'm so carefree that you would think that it wouldn't bother me so much. The introduction doesn't bother me at all. It's the eyes that are on me during it. Every time I look into them all I see is the bad things people are thinking. ‘Ugly’, ‘tall freak’, ‘emo’, etc. It just freaks me out.

"Well I guess to start off, my name is Elizabeth. I prefer Lizzie though. I'm 17 years old and I live with my dad. I moved here from Denton Heights, and I really like old school music. I guess that's about it. I’m a pretty boring person." I finished off, about to head to my seat until some girl at the very back raised her hand.

"Um.. Yeah?" I asked stepping back, unsure of what she was about to ask.

"So if you're from Denton Heights, why don't you look like ghetto or something?" A couple of chuckles erupted from her dimwitted friends. With all awkwardness disappeared and my confidence returning I rolled my eyes and laughed an unamused laugh, my tongue pressed inside my cheek. I placed my hand on my hip slowly making my way to her desk.

"I may be from Denton Heights but I am definitely not like those ho's out there. But I can show you a little something I learned. It's called the one knee knockout. You want me to show you how it goes?" I smiled innocently at her now at her desk looking her dead in her eyes. Her eyes held nothing but fear and I found joy in that.

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