Chapter 18 *Repost* (Read A/N for info)

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Chapter 18

(Mike’s P.O.V.)

"Liz relax! It's okay!"

"No it's not! My dad is a Jackass who tries to pick a fight with me ever since that day he kicked James out."

She paced back and forth in anger. From what I know Lizzie's dad has been being an ass to her since last Saturday. It's Thursday now,  the day of her birthday,  and she has yet again been pissed off by her own father.

"It's like he wants me to suffer on my fucking birthday!" She shouted once more and plopped down next to me on the sidewalk. We had a plan to go skateboarding but she was just too ticked off to do anything.

"Every time I leave to go somewhere after school it's always 'Where the hell are you going? You'd better not be going to hang out with that white boy.' I'm sick of it!"

"Liz relax. Look it's your birthday and you don't need to get worked up over what your dad is doing." I tried to calm her down. I guess it worked because she seemed to calm down slightly.

She nodded and then we sat in silence for a few minutes.

"Oh yeah!" She said, pulling her backpack off her back and digging in it. She pulled out a bright pink paper and handed it to me.

“It’s a flyer for mine and Kelly’s birthday party this Saturday. She and I have been hanging these everywhere for the past week. All the information is on there so, try to make it at least.” She finally smiled and stood up.

I looked at the bold, swirly letters on the paper.

‘Come one come all to the biggest birthday bash of the century! LIZZIE AND KELLY’S BIG BIRTHDAY BASH! Enjoy entertainment from the best dance group and singer in town.

Dance Group: Dance Squared

Singer: James Turner

Ladies! Come dressed in your best lingerie and guys, please stay in your pj’s.

Be prepared to glow in the brightest colors when we shut out the lights!

Best lingerie contest! First prize gets $500!

Location: pLace

When: This Saturday at 8:00 pm-2:00 am

Party to your heart’s desire and dance like no one’s watching! See you there!’

I laughed slightly at the layout of the whole flyer.

“Kelly did the whole thing. I didn’t question her.” Liz said, one foot on her skateboard. Folding the flyer and placing it in my back pocket, I stood up with her and we both began to skate around a bit. We talked about nothing in particular for about an hour until her dad called her, yelling at her to come home. I could tell that she did not want to but she had to, eighteen or not.

I said goodbye and made my way back home. I had nothing else to do for the rest of the day so I went inside, grabbed my keys, and got into my car.

I drove for a couple of minutes before I reached the one familiar house that I used to play. I got out and ran up the steps to knock but only to get stopped by someone calling my name.

“Aye Mike! Over here!” I looked over and saw Tyrone calling me over to where him and the guys were hanging out. I ran over to them and greeted them as usual. 

“So what brings you over here?” Ty asked while placing a fresh cigarette in between his lips and lighting it.

“Nothing really, just kind of felt coming over and hangin’ out. What ya’ll been up to?” I asked.

They all just shrugged and went to their own individual conversations. We talked for a little while longer until I got a phone call from an unknown number. I answered just to see who it was.


“Yes is this a Michael Richards?” Dammit, a telemarketer. I groaned hanging up without an answer. I hate them with a passion.

I sighed going to put my phone back into my pocket but got distracted when Rodney snatched something from my back pocket.

“Ooh what this is? An invitation to a gay bar?” I rolled my eyes and tried to grab it from his hands but Tyrone beat me to it. They were all laughing and joking around, pushing Tyrone to open it and read it.

“I’ight. Imma read it chill out.” Tyrone opened it and cleared his throat.

“Come one come all to the biggest birthday bash of the century. Lizzie and Kelly’s big birthday bash…” his voice trailed off while reading it to himself.

“This Saturday at 8 o’clock to 2 am.” He began to get that smile that he gets when he starts to form a plan. This cannot end up well.

“Dance till your hearts desire and dance like no one’s watching. See you there.” His smile was now big. He had a plan already set up in his head. It always surprised me at how fast he could think of these things.

“Yes you will.” He handed me the paper and turned to the rest of us.

“Clear your schedule boys. This Saturday we are going to go to a party. My baby’s party to be exact. Let’s say it will be a surprise birthday present for her.” Tyrone turned to me specifically and spoke. “Meaning you can’t tell her a thing. Keep quiet.” I nodded and told everyone goodbye.

I really hoped that he didn’t do anything to screw up Lizzie’s party.


A/N: So legit I was deleting the chapters where I explained random stuff and I accidentally deleted this chapter! I was seriously upset but I was glad that I saved it on Google drive. Thank you Google!

I don't even remember what I put here but I am almost done editing the chapters that I felt needed to be edited. So once I am done I am on to chapter 19 parts 1&2. *Excitement*

So yeah! See all you beautiful sexuals later!

much love! muwah! ♥

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