Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

(Lizzie’s P.O.V)

It actually surprised me when my dad wasn't home. It gave me relief though. I had plenty of time to prepare myself for the worst.

Sighing in relief, I went to drop my bag off in my room.

When I dropped the bag onto my bed and went to remove my shirt, I remembered that I had put on James’ kiss me just because sweatshirt. I had honestly fell in love with this sweatshirt and I was never ever taking it off.

So, instead of removing the sweatshirt, I grabbed a pair of pajama pants and exchanged my jeans for those.

Most of the day had passed by really quickly. I didn’t really do much but watch T.V. and practice playing on the guitar that James lent me sometime in the past week. I was still playing a bit when someone knocked on the door.

“Who is it?” I shouted, too lazy to actually get up and check who was knocking at my door.

“It’s Kendra!” I got up excitedly and ran to answer the door. I loved Kendra to death. She was my dad’s co-worker that he went on a date with and she was the friendliest person I had ever met.

The minute I opened the door, I pulled her into a bone crushing hug.

“Well I missed you too.” She laughed and hugged me back. I was at least a half a foot taller than her, so I kind of had to bend down to hug her. She was really tiny, judge me.

“Come on in. I was just practicing some guitar while I waited for my lecture.” She nodded her head as she let out a quiet ‘Ah’

“I saw the game. That boy was really cute. Was that James?” I smiled, looked down at my feet and nodded.

“He is cute isn’t he?” We sat down on the couch as I placed the guitar to the side.

“That he is. But your father is gonna have a cow when he gets home. I had to calm him down while we were watching.” She stated in a calming voice. She knew about my dad being racist and yet she was still falling head over heels for him.

But she had a good reason why.

“It’s just one flaw that can easily be changed with a little bit of love.”

She told me that the day that my father kicked James out. I called her for some kind of motherly support and I couldn’t necessarily ask my real mom. She was just as racist as my father.

“Well just know that I am here for you no matter what he says to you. You do know that he has a really good reason for why he acts this way.”

“There is no good reason for someone to be as racist as he is.” I explained. Why would she defend him? He is so fucking rude and I can’t stand it.

“Sweetheart, just hear me ou-” She didn’t get to finish.

We snapped our heads to the door as we heard the sound of someone trying to open the door. Correction. The sound of someone trying to open the door angrily.

“He’s home.” I said while standing up. I just want to get this over with. It can’t be that bad. Can it?

Kendra stood by me and grabbed my hand. It was a comforting gesture and I really needed it.

When my dad stepped through the door and spotted me, I could tell that he was seeing red.

“Elizabeth Nakita Reynolds! Do you understand how upset and angry I am at you!?”

Kendra squeezed my hand. As much as I tried to prepare myself for this, I couldn’t do anything. I’ve only seen him extremely angry one time and even then he wasn’t this angry.

Stay Away From That White Boy (interracial) *No longer being updated*Where stories live. Discover now