Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

(Lizzie's P.O.V.)

It’s been two days since James slept over. Let’s just say I have avoided him these past two days as much as I can. It’s been hard, but I did it. I was not about to get all awkward while talking to him. Now it was Saturday, and I was on my way to meet up with June.

She gave me a destination that we both knew of to meet up at. I figured I needed fresh air so I decided to just skate there. I missed this feeling. I used to do this all the time, but when my ex Tyrone pushed me off of it I stopped. That is a story for a different time.

I don’t have to worry about him or anybody else bothering me while I am doing what I love to do.

I smiled as the wind blew in my face. Yeah, this is a great feeling.

I spotted June’s bright red hair just as I was nearing our meeting spot.

“Hey you!” I shouted while making my way closer to her. She quickly turned her head in my direction and smiled.

“Hey! You ready for this?” She asked excitedly. I nodded my head and began to speed down the street with her. I’m really glad me and her are hanging out. I don’t think that we have gotten to know each other that much through the whole time I’ve known her. She seems so quiet and not really into talk but since she has had my fourth period, I found out that she really isn’t all that bad and is exactly like me. I love it!

We soon made it to probably the best skate park I have ever seen and I immediately went for it. There was nothing stopping me from doing this.

I could hear June shouting and laughing at me as I made my way through the whole course.

Once I was done, I ended up right back next to June. She smiled at me as I tried to catch my breath. I wasn't tired, that was just exhilarating.

“You must not have done that in a while.” She stated with a chuckle. I smiled back at her and shook my head.

“Not in three years. Felt good.” I said looking back to the abandoned skate park. It reminded me of the one I used to sneak out to when I wanted to clear my head.


That’s all I could think about when I looked at this place. No one to tell me that I can’t do this or I can’t do that. It’s perfect.

I looked at June just as she looked at me. We both smirked and made our way down the bowl.

We both had a great time. Just laughing at each other and showing each other new tricks. I was glad that we did this. It was refreshing and exciting. We were just now sat outside the nearby 7-eleven drinking slushies and talking about ourselves more.

“So,” June paused while taking a drink of her slushie. “You and James?” I chuckled and looked down at my slushie. I didn't really know how to answer that. I honestly didn't know where we stood. He is just… confusing.

“Nah. We just..” I paused trying to find the right words. “It’s complicated I guess.”

June chuckled and looked at me. “Well the others may be dumb enough not to see it, but the tension, both sexual and normal, between you two is ridiculous. Don’t think I didn't see him touching all up on you on Wednesday.”

I looked at her with wide eyes. “You saw that!?”

“Sure did.” She took another sip. “I knew it wouldn't be too long before old freaky James came out.”

I paused from drinking anymore of my slushie. “Old freaky James? Freaky how?” I kind of already knew what she was gonna say, I just wanted her to confirm it.

Stay Away From That White Boy (interracial) *No longer being updated*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant