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This story is fiction as well as not a 'fluff' fanfiction.

In other words, it will have.. violent-ish scenes because well... It's a Voodoo Doll XD (Not that all are used for bad reasons) but it's the doll that if you put a needle through the arm it will hurt the person it is 'bound' to.

[There will be violence, I will warn if there is a violent scene - I'm not sure it'd be bad enough to be 'Rated R'/'Mature Content'. No naughty scenes though XD]

If you read this, please keep a fairly open mind. :)

And now I hope you enjoy!




Her long black hair hung off her head limply as she held onto her dearest friend while being pushed down onto the ground.

"Who plays with dolls now-a-days, baby?" A slightly older boy scoffed. He tried to take the stitched linen doll away from her. She increased her hold onto the doll while one of the boy's kicked her in the side.

She let go of the doll and he held it in his hands, dangling the doll by it's head and staring at it's stitched mouth and button eyes. His expression was one of disgust.

"Why would you play with something so ugly?" He commented as she glared at him, fighting back her tears.

"Give him back!" She jumped up at him trying to retrieve her doll.

"It has a gender?" He laughed while holding it above her head, "It's a doll, it's not even human."

"It's none of your business anyway!" She screamed as she hit his chest, wanting him to let go of her doll. He laughed at the scene.

"Just give the doll back to her!" One of his minions, a boy with curly brown hair spoke up. The boy glared at him.

"What did you say?" He demanded and the brown-haired boy cowered back, keeping quiet. The girl cast a sad glance at his direction before jumping up to grab the doll from him.

"The teacher's coming!" A boy with black hair ran from around the corner. The girl recognised him as the older boy's right-hand man. The boy holding the doll looked back at the one who told him the news.

The girl took the opportunity, and kicked him in the shin. He bent over in pain dropping the doll onto the dusty ground while hopping around on his one leg. She picked up her doll off the ground and began dusting it off while staring lovingly at it.

Soon a teacher arrived to see the boy jumping around in pain while the girl was holding onto the doll. "What was going on here?" The teacher demanded looking at all of the boys.

"S-She... She was bullying me..." The boy who held the doll mumbled rubbing his leg, his face contorted in pain and ready to begin the waterworks in a minute. The teacher looked from the acting boy to the others.

"Is this true?" She demanded while the other boys nodded in agreement, while the little girl tore her attention from her doll.

"No! He was making fun of me and took my doll away from me!" She defended, her face loosing all of the colour in her face. The teacher shook her head before pulling the girl away by the ear towards her classroom. As the girl looked in pain behind her while being dragged, she saw all of the boys smirking from behind her, the one with the curly brown hair smiling sheepishly.

Once the school day ended, the girl clutched her doll to her chest as she walked down the stone pavement on her way home. Her cheeks were tear-stained and eyes tired. The teacher never believed her, as always.

"Bye, baby!" The boy from earlier ran past her hitting the back of her head, laughing. The other boys followed him laughing while she averted her gaze to the ground. She opened the black steel gate leading to her home.

The home she would never leave.
Just you wait, she thought.

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