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Taehyung put the strand of hair safely away by putting it in the cover of his cell phone case. He knew she wouldn't see it or find it as his phone is always with him. He had a plan up his sleeve, however he would have to live past the impending wrath that would come when she woke up.

He wasn't sure how long it would take for her to wake up , and frankly, Taehyung was too afraid to go back to sleep. Especially after he was caught in the room and now knew what she did with her victims.

The names she kept in the room were all the names of his past friends that he no longer saw. He was upset with him because they bullied Minae when they were younger. Taehyung stayed with them because he was too afraid to leave them. But once Minae disappeared and they went to high school, he never saw them again. He vowed to himself that he would never bully another person. But now he knew, he was paying the price for his sins when he was younger.

He was the youngest of the lot, and the closest to her so he felt bad that he helped to bring her down. But because she vanished and he never saw her again, he tried to live his life the best he could. One day he hoped he could make it up to her although he knew that wasn't possible. And in all honesty, Taehyung was glad he became friends with Hoseok. Hoseok helped him on the first day of high school that year and they bonded ever since. He had always been there for Taehyung and never judged him for what he did before then.

However his bullying of Minae was a gateway. It all started when they were much younger, around nine years old. Taehyung had a loving family. He had a younger sister and brother, a father and a mother who wasn't alcoholic. However that changed one day. It was the middle of the night. It was no ones fault. Although that's what Taehyung convinced himself with. It was his fault. The power had gone out that night and wouldn't be back until morning. All they had to create light were candles. They were out of batteries for torches and all the stores nearby were closed. He tried to get his younger sister to fall asleep while his parents tried to call the power company, but with no success.

He remembered his father's words that night - "Blow out all of the candles when they're asleep, Tae." He stood in the door way of his younger siblings' bedroom to which Taehyung nodded to.

Once his younger sister was fast as sleep, Taehyung climbed out of her bed and crept towards the candle standing on the chest of drawers. He was about to blow it out when he heard a soft voice cry out.

"Tae..." He was caught off guard and looked over his shoulder to see his younger sister's eyes brimming with tears, threatening to fall.

"If I sleep with you tonight, will that be enough?" Taehyung suggested. He knew she was terrified of the dark and could not sleep without a light. Instead she shook her head vigorously. Taehyung watched tears fall down her cheeks as she tried not to cry. This pulled on Taehyung's heartstrings.

"All right, I'll leave the candle lit. Please be careful," Taehyung told her. She nodded her head vigorously, a smile forming onto her lips as she lay back down onto the pillow.

Taehyung left the room and closed the door behind him to not arouse suspicion. In the mean time he began to blow out the other candles on the top floor. His parents were busy downstairs still trying to contact the company. Taehyung headed into his bedroom and went to sleep.

But it was the last Taehyung would ever see of his younger sister smiling.

He was rudely awoken in the middle of the night by the yelling of his mother. His bedroom door was flung open and he was violently shaken awake.

"Tae, honey, wake up!" Taehyung heard his mother's voice. He looked up at her with tired eyes and his nose picked up the strong smell of smoke.

"Hurry up, Taehyung, we have to get out." His mother pulled him up by the arm. Taehyung followed her, his legs shaking as he walked. He looked across the hallway of the second floor and saw his siblings' room burning bright with orange and yellow flames. He could feel his sweat drip down his face as the heat from the fire scorched his skin.

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