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I get out my truck. I am delivering coffee beans to Small shop coffee. I am a small delivery man. Your average single guy. The type that does stupid stuff and dyes his hair blue. That all girls think are disgusting. Ah well, there's not much I can do.

I walk into the shop with the forms in hand. The strong scent of coffee whirls around my nose, beckoning me to sit down and drink a mug.

Then suddenly I see perfection. A georgous young lady. Hazel eyes and chestnut hair with blond tips. I am knocked off my feet, sent into a trance, I can't take my eyes off her. She sees me, I try to act casual, brushing my hair back looking away. I hear her giggle as I hand the forms to sign to the manager and then order a coffee.

I take my coffee to do what no dumb guy has ever done, sit down... and talk.

"H-hi." I say

"Hi" she answers

"Is this seat free?"

"Yeah sure." She says, closing ths lid of her laptop still smiling from earlier.

"It's cold isn't it?" I say. It is mid January. The girl is wearing a blue scarf and a matching hat. I am only wearing a sleeveless shirt, as dumb guys do, and jeans.

"Yeah." There is a long silence before she adds: "I like your tattoo, what is it?"

"Oh, it is a wolf, in all like blobby, I think it has a name though."

She laughs. "You are very clueless aren't you?"

"I guess?"

She laughs again. "So, what do you do?"

"Oh, I'm a deliver truck driver. I just delivered some coffee beans and needed a break."

"Well I'm a florist."

"A what?"

"A florist? I sell flowers."

"I know what it means... I just, couldn't hear you."

I sip at my warm mug of coffee and look at her face. I've never really had anyone nice to be with, but she... she's different. At school I was a real ugly nerd. My two brothers. They have everything going for them.

My Elder brother : Mario, he's twenty-seven, a doctor, nice wife, two kids. And my other older brother Phoenix, twenty-six, he doesn't have a wife but he has a wonderful girl, he's got several medals from the army. I have no idea what the hell they mean though.

When they where at school, things were great for them. Mario left school a year early and went to uni, while Phoenix won every sports day he ever entered.

I've always been the odd one out in my family, the third wheel, or in my case, the fith wheel. I'm just the stupid one, Ash, the one with blue hair that drives a truck. Nothing significant.

"So, flowers eh?" I say.

"Yeah, I just, love to be around them, their colours their smells."

"Sounds nice, I don't want to make you jealous..." I say leaning forward "... but in my job, we get to smell fumes and petrol and macdonalds!"" She giggles, she sems very shy.

"You still eat macdonalds?! Come on, it's 2049, get with the year!"

There is a pause.

"I don't get why things go out of fashion."

"You think you've got it hard! I'm a girl, I have to wear makeup and clothes..."

"Yeah I have to wear clothes too..." she laughs and so do I

"You know what I mean!" She says nudging me. "But it's stupid! 'Cause when some clothes go out of fashion and you can wear them anymore, without being the laughing stock, they are just wasted!"

"I hear ya. I just go against the fashion." I say quietly making heroic movements with my arms.

"Evidently." She says,looking at my shirt "A sleeveless shirt in winter?! No wonder you are cold, ya big dummy."

"Anyway." I say. "I have to make the next delivery, sorry."

"I understand. Can I have your number?"... This is it, a new start for me. Someone who finally likes me. "Hello?" She says waving her hand in front of my face.

"Oh yeah." I say taking her phone and inputting my number.

"Ash, that's a beautiful name."

"Thanks." I look at my phone.

"Clara, I have a feeling im not going to forget that name."

"Yeah, that's cause it's on your phone." She says chuckling. I give her a childish look.

"See ya round" I say.

"Bye Ash." She says as I walk out the door. With all this, I forgot to unload rhe truck. Looks like some guys thave already done it, oops!

The girl in the coffee shopWhere stories live. Discover now