The things we do...

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As I stare at the metal blade piercing the wall I am filled with fear. I head to the door and rattle he handle; "Shit" I say when I realise that I'm locked in. I slam harder against the door. "Let me out!" Then the fear suddenly turns to fury, and ram against the door then I suddenly feel a surge of anger, volts of energy racing through my veins. I charge at the door letting out an aggressive cry and pain shoots through my shoulder as my side smashes through the battered door.

I look down at my side, blood and splinters coat it in pain. As I walk out of the room into a plains biome, I lift my middle finger up towards the sky, not knowing where the cameras are. Maybe there aren't any out here? And a smug feeling fills me causing my face to shape itself into a smirk.

I walk around foot after foot, but I don't know where I am going. Before I hear a bing on my phone. I look down and the text reads: "Nice job back there, good luck for the next section though ;)" Then I hear a growl from in front of me, I shield my face and start to run, but when I look up, it is none other than... Not a bear, a lion, a tiger but...

A donkey. I look at it, it has longer fur like a bear, but the face and structure of a donkey. It looks at me with cheerful, submissive eyes and wags his long, ropey tail. I walk over to him to see a sort of, satchel type thing. Before I look inside I look and my phone and my fingers tap away at the little letters; "Oh no! It's gunna eat me! D:" Then separately write, "lol"

"Just watch your back" he says.

"Okay?" I say, chuckling. The I look in the bag on the donkeys back. Inside I find a sword. I pull it out and spin it in my fingers. "Cool." I say but then out the corner of my eye I see the donkey turn fearful then angry, just like me. I know what I have to do, to move on. But I won't kill this creature.

I reach into my bag, backing away as fast as I can. But stop as I triumphantly pull out the carrots feeding them to the donkey, the red in his eyes fades and he returns to how he was. I look at my phone. "You know what you were meant to do ash. Why didn't you?"

"I didn't want to." I type back I want him to know, that he can control me. "Was it by mistake that he is half donkey half bear?"

"Yes, it was meant to be a bear but my idiot worker mixed it with a donkey. Nobody has ever tamed the beast."

"How many people have you done this to?!"

"Oh, just a couple hundred."



"Do I know anyone in here?!"


Horror fills me as I realise that my best friend is in here, I don't know what I will have to do, kill him?! Will I even see joe? I haven't run into anyone else on this journey, though I haven't really got very far to be honest. Who has been taken form joe? His sister? I switch off my phone and look at the donkey-bear. "He's and dick, isn't he Duncan?" I say to the donkey. Duncan growls , happily, and I hop on his furry back and grab the ropes from my bag, how convenient.

The sun is just setting, it must've been afternoon when I woke up... I need to find cover, who knows what this psycho   could send out in the dark?

I set off, on my trusty steed, on a quest for shelter. I cross an invisible line and the ground turns to sand. The wind roars spraying sand all around. I pull my cap out my pocket and wedge it onto my head, lowering the visor to protect my eyes. But what about Duncan? I reach into my bag for something to shield his eyes. I see nothing apart from some old cloth. I looks like it has been torn form a fly net or something, exactly! I think to myself. I start carefully tearing away and before you can say: Sandstorm! I had two eye patches for Duncan securely protecting his eyes from loose sand.

We walk in all different directions, but there is no sign of shelter. We are fully submerged in night now, the sandstorm is raging and this cap is not doing a whole lot of good any more. I see a zombie- like creature with a grumble sound following it. I cautiously steer away from the groans before I see more of them emerge from the sandy darkness. I pick up the pace, and Duncan starts to get nervous as they get closer. Then suddenly out of the blue, they start pelting towards us, tripping and falling, using other ones as supports but pushing them to the ground. Few remain, but they are going strong, the wind nor sand bothers them in the slightest.

"RUN!" I yell as one of them gets dangerously close and bares its metal teeth that are more like meat grinders than anything else. Then as we dash through the night, a hologram message appears beside me in the air,or perhaps the sand?

"Hello ash. I'm glad you used common sense to escape form these creatures: the Grumbles. If they had touched you, they would've submitted a deadly disease called Subnosidide. This disease would have caused you to lose the emotion fear." Says the familiar voice of Dark horse, making me shudder.

"But why does that matter?"

"Well because you'd be fearless, you wouldn't run away from anything, therefore making you blind stupid and irrational. You would immediately stop because you aren't afraid of death and then get eaten by the grumbles' deadly mashers, leaving you dead, and probably kill the mutant too." He pauses to think about things.

"What?!" I reply

"I'm not going to repeat that Ashley. These are genetically modified humans to kill anyone who crosses their path. Once you get past a certain point, they will stop following you and return to their lair."

"What about the ones that fell over?"

"Oh, they were chasing you. You just didn't know because they were so far behind. Although these creatures are deadly, they are certainly not smart."

"Why? You created them."

"Well because then everyone would die! Wouldn't they idiot!" He says, letting out a terrifying laugh. "Bye the way." He adds. "The border line is when you reach the next biome, or when it becomes day, at sunrise, the grumbles will retreat."

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