Dark Horse

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I call up my mum.


"Oh is this Phoenix?" She says.

"No mum, it's Ash. I need to talk."

"Ashley... Hello, shoot." She says frustratedly.

"Something  really weird happened today.:

"What is it?"

"When I was at the coffee shop with Clara today, some guys in black came. They recognised me... they knew who I was. And they took Clara. They knew it was me. They had not come for money or respect.  They had come to hurt me by taking  Clara."

"Sounds like a normal day for you Ashley."

"Mum! I'm being serious! This is important!"

"Yeah, I know! Ashley, things don't always go as planned!"

"Don't call me Ashley! Maybe the reason I have such a crappy  life is because you gave me a girl's name!"

"It's not a girl's name, it's a unisex name."

"But that is why I would prefer to be called Ash! Cause it's a boys name! Anyway, we are straying from the point. Should I call the police?"

"Nah, I'm sure someone already did it."

"Whatever." I say then hang up.

Suddenly, I get a new call. It's an unknown number. I reluctantly pick it up, putting it on speaker and listen closely.

The person speaks in a low, muffled voice; " Hello Ashley. You won't know who I am, but I have known who you are for a very long time."

"What is this, some prank call?"

"I am the Dark Horse."


"Don't interrupt. My men have taken something very special... very dear to you..."

"You were at the coffee shop?!"

"No you imbasiel! I am the Dark Horse. I have kidnapped Clara. I will help you along your journey to find her so listen carefully...--"

"All right, how much do you want." I say, looking through my wallet, I have no money to spare, I gulp heavily. "Just return the gal to my place by 6."

"Shut up! Just shut up you Anus!" He says, filling the room with 'Anus'...

He sighs. "Right Ash, listen carefully is you want Clara back." He groans frustratedly.


"Ash. You have a truck right?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"I am sending you a map on your phone now. Follow it."

"Beeeeeeep." Screams the phone. This is so weird. I hurriedly rush to the truck, should I use my car instead? Or will I need to carry supplies? I hop in and set up the map I was sent. It is weird. Everything. It is tiny, it leads out of town. In the police investigation area...

I start up the engine. It whirrs and groans and puffs. This is a new truck, what's up with that?

I head into the forbidden area. The CCTV looks straight at me, but no alarms go off, it just ignores me, pretends it hasn't seen me. This must've been that guy's doing? I drive into a forest. It is very  clear though.

The trees are far apart, I drive in my truck. The trees start to close in above me. I feel the back wheels grinding rocks and crashing. Then suddenly, a wild bear jumps in front of me.

I brake suddenly then I feel the back of the truck begin to rise above the ground. The whole car flips up... My heart is racing... I struggle to undo my seat belt. I clamber out the door. My truck disappears.

My phone bings; "Sorry, I has to make sure you had to walk :)" He writes as the back of the forest begins to close behind me. I run, as I run, it shuts faster... I'm nearly there, I'm going to make it! But it slams shut.

This is bad... He is messing with physics...

The girl in the coffee shopWhere stories live. Discover now