Its good to see you. Stay close to me, and don't touch anything

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I wake up in a concrete cell. On the floor with new clothes and a small black TV with a DVD beside it. What happened? I fell asleep in a luxurious room, this is worse than prison. I walk over to the Tv and put in the disk.

A man with an eye mask all in black comes up on the screen. "Hello Ash. I am Dark horse. You probably don't know why you are here, correct? Wait... This is a recording, don't answer that. Anyway Ash, You are here because... Well, I'm craaaayzzyyyy! He says then making his face serious again. I have set up a sort of... Challenge? Or you might want to picture it as an adventure, or race course?" He sighs and picks up the camera, he is very controlled with the camera, he must do this often, I Think as the camera reaches around the corner.

I see his arm extend to rotate the door knob as he walks through the wooden archway into a grey, dull room. In it sits a small chair with a small person atop it. I stare at the huge screen and then I am struck by fear and anger. "As you can see, he he, I have Clara." He bursts into laughter as his honey hands the caress the camera, it shakes and then drops to the grounds.

His hand reaches down the pick up the camera and spin it towards his face. I see delight in his face as he continues his lecture with; "So" he says being interrupted by his own laughter. "I have taken Clara, as you can clearly see." He says, walking over to her. He strokes he face. "Let's get rid of those tears, let me dry your eyes Clara." He says wiping away the inky bubbles that stain her face. She strains to flee from him, making groans and wines as she struggles to talk, with the gag in her mouth. "Shall I let her talk Ash?" He says tormenting me. He nods enthusiastically as he pulls the gag from her mouth. "But don't say anything bad Clara." He says encouragingly.

"Ash! Don't come here it's a trap he does this to everyone! You will Never see me again no matter how hard you try!" She blurts before Dark horse puts his villainous hand over her mouth.

"Hush hush, that's enough, you'll be lucky if I don't edit that out sweetie." He hops off the screen to get something, I hear pots bashing and things falling to the concrete when I see something chucked on the floor, barely visible on camera, Dark Horse must've attempted to hide it. I suddenly realise what it is, a bra. Clara's hair is messed up and her makeup smudged. Her jumpsuit unzipped just a little to much. Something happened. I see fear struck into her tears eyes. I see cuts on her and bruises.

"Sorry about that Ash, I just had to fetch something." He says, spinning a knife between his fingers. "You see, me and Clara like to play this little, silly game called... Catch the knife, don't we?" Clara shakes her head as the fear in her eyes turns into terror throughout her whole face. "Of course we do sweetie!" He says. He throws up the knife and catches it again. "But first, you were naughty earlier." He says strolling over to her, grasping the knife correctly. He rips off the arms of her jumpsuit. "You need to be punished." He says as he slices into her skin. She cries out in pain but it is muffled my the cloth in her mouth.

"Now don't worry ash, I'll sew these up. We don't want ugly scars on your pretty skin now do we...." He is interrupted by smashing as I realise my foot has gone through the TV. "Ahem Ash! Naughty naughty!" The show doesn't stop and soon I see the blood stained knife in the wall behind me.

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