Never give up

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Towelling my dripping hair I walk into the Bedroom before sitting on my bed next to Socki. "Hey buddy, are you gunna have a shower?" I ask to which he replies no. He climbs over to my hand and we chat for hours before going to sleep. Repeat, repeat, repeat. Every day for weeks. My phone vibrates on my bedside table furiously and moves to the end before tumbling off the end onto the floor. I quickly pick it up and hold it to my ear. "Hello?" I answer

"Hello, Ashley."


"Are you alright?"

"Sorry, who is this?"

"Ashley, are you kidding?"

"Umm, I don't think so... I'm Ash and you are...?"

"It's Dark Horse."

"Oh yeah, I knew that..."

"Yes, Are you okay?"

"Yes I am pleasant, a bit lonely."

"When are you going to leave?"

"I thought you trapped me in here."

"Yes but only for a few days but you stopped checking to see if it was unlocked."

I hang up the phone and mindlessly walk towards the door rest my hand upon the handle and push.

There is a bright, yellow light, shimmering in the sky sending beams of light onto the swaying luscious green grass. I lay down and stare up at the drops of golden sun dancing on my face. I lie for what feels like 30 seconds before the golden sun is exchanged for glitter stars and a full moon radiating white light. I stand up and see another grey building. I stare for a while before another person exits it. I suddenly remember that all my stuff is still in my room and I walk back, hoping and praying it isn't locked, oh god Socki is in there too.

I manage to rip open the door revealing all my stuff, right where I left it. I bundle it up and swing two bags over my shoulders. Soon after when the impact bashes against my back I feel the cold metal of... Joe's gun. I take it out. As I walk towards the guy I saw earlier I cock the gun and quicken my pace.

I reach the guy and tap his shoulder. "Oh my god it is so good to finally speak to someone my name is Jack, hi." He reaches out for a hug. 

"How long were you in that room Jack?"

"A few hours I guess."

"Shut the fuck up! Really?!"

"Yeah, how long were you in there?" He asks into my shoulder.

I don't give myself any time to reply but my finger squeezes the trigger and a crack echoes across the moonlit sky.  He releases me and falls to the ground a look of shock on his face as the life drains out of him.

That's weird. I've never seen anyone die before, it's quite funny actually, seeing a fellow human, gasping for air, grabbing my clothing pleading fo help whilst I do nothing except stare back at his bulging eyes.

I abandon his corpse in the long grass before continuing off into the horizon.

I come across a tunnel with huge, metal double doors with huge bars which I push and follow them into the corridor. I walk down the long stretching corridor, gathering speed as I glide through the seemingly empty hallway. I reach a door marked by armed guards.

"Please do not enter." One of them commands.

"Leave the building through the exit behind you." The shorter, stumpier one comments.

"What?" I reply

"Please do as we say." He adds a bit of frustration in his voice.

"Where do I go?" I ask.

"Out of the exit behind you." He says, making no eye contact but focussing behind me.

"But I need to escape this prison! I need to see Clara!"

"Leave now."

"Fuck off!"

I hear them cock their rifles but I have already punctured a hole in both of theirs chests. I walk past not even taking a second to mourn. I open the doors and wall down the corridor, there is a laser wall which I burst through, alarms sounding in my ears I progress through the corridor until I come to a glass door. 

I slowly enter and on a chair, I see none other than... The person who is responsible for this. Clara. "Ash?!" she screams. "Is that you?!"

"Yes." I reply in a monotone harsh voice.

"Baby I missed ou so much I'm so glad you came to save me." She cries, tears streaming from her eyes, she comes up to me and clasps her arms around me. "Come on we have to co before he gets back!"



"I need to end this. What he has put me through, us through, this whole city through. He doesn't deserve to walk on this planet."

"No there is no time for that! Hurry!"

"I don't care." I sit down on the chair she was on and wait. We wait for about 30 seconds before the alarms stop and a side door creaks open. A short white man walks in, he has a bit of  belly and messy, greasy hair. He speaks with a gravelly voice. 

"Hello, Ashley." He says.

"Fuck you."

"I am Dark horse and I want to congradula--" I find my finger on the trigger once more pointed at his skull. 

"ASH, No!" Screams Clara, pushing my arm aside but it just falls downwards and the bullet pierces his stomach. "ASH?!" She screams. "What have you done?!"

"The same thing he did to me. Killed me."

"What are you talking about."

"He turned me into a monster. So did you bitch."

"What are you talking about? None of this was me!"

Another bullet fires from the gun, a crack sounds in my ears and the same bullet lands in her chest. She falls and I catch her, cradling her in my arms as blood pours from her chest. A tear drops onto her chest. and I clutch her closer to me. "Why should you live? When you've done this to me you needn't carry on." I speak as blood begins to come out her mouth, coughing she chokes on it and colour begins to drain from her face. "I love you Clara darling." I say as her life fades out of my hands.

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