Resistance is not an option

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I get of of bed in my dank apartment. Placing my feet on a crisp packet on the grey carpet that under all the dust and dirt used to be white. Ew. I think. What am I doing with my life. I have a girl now! I need to shapen up.

I get dressed in jeans and a polo shirt. Then walk across the hall to Joe, my neighbor/best mate.

I knock.
"Hey Ash! What's up?"

"Nothing, hey do you have a hoover I can borrow?"

"Yeah why?"

"Well, my place is a mess. The carpet is grey, yeah ya know that silit bang advert?"


"Ya know how thw guy wipes the cloth and it's instantly sparkly?"


"Well my floor is 'before.'"

"I see... And?"

"I've been with Clara for a while now--"

"Two weeks"

"--And I want to change. I've finally found a girl that likes me. I want to clean my apartment basically." He bursts out laughing. "Im serious dude!" I respond.

"Okay Okay." He says trailing off the laughter. "I'll go get it."

"Thanks man" I say as he turns towards his kitchen.

He comes back a minuet later, hoover in hand. "Thanks man" I say.

"It's cool."

I return to my apartment. I take a blackbin liner out and start piling in crisp packets, old sandwhiches, a mug that has gone green with mould. When I drop it in and hear a sharp smash.

I put all the laundry on the floor in the washing bin and start washing some plates and cutlery. I take the rubbish bag downstairs to the dumpster. I walk back up and start hoovering. The difference is unbelievable. By the time I am done, the floor is white!

I comb and gel my hair afyer having a shower. I text Clara to ask if she wants to go back to place we first me for a coffee. She said yes.

I hop in my little car and drive into town. I find myself outside the coffee shop waiting for Clara. I see her walking towards me. I take a bundle of flowers out of my bag as she draws nearer.

"Hi Clara." I say, hugging her.

"Hi Ash." She says holding my hand as we walk inside and sit down. I walk up to the counter. "Two cappuccinos please."

"Coming right up." He says, turning and beginning work.

I walk over to Clara, coffee cups in hand. "So, what's up?" I ask as I put the cups on the table and sit opposite her.

"Hmm, nothing much. Flowers etc etc" I Listen to her talk. Her beaustiful, cheerful voice, dancing through my ears. I can't believe she likes me, I mean, look at me, a blue haired, messy, disgusting, lowlife, geek.

Then suddenly in the middle of a sentence, a group of men in black with guns and bags come in. "EVERYONE ON THE FLOOR!" yells the guy in the middle. Everyone lies on the floor, I hide under the table, the cup above me is shot, it spills all over my back. I yell out from the pain.

One guy notices my blue hair. "There! It's Ashley!" A guy shouts.
He pushes towards me while the others take money and anything valuable from the till and the citizens. "GRAB THE GIRL" he shouts and a group of people walk towards Clara.

"Clara?" People carry on towards her. There is fear in my eyes. They grab arms. I hold her and take her in my arms. Not letting anyone take her away from me. My one true love.

"PULL" they yell

"NO" I shout "CLARA?!" as she is pulles from my arms. She is shoved onto the back of a van I see through the smashed windows. I hop up and run after her. I try to get in the van, they push me on the floor and drive away chucking dust in my face. I curl up in a ball, she's gone.

The girl in the coffee shopWhere stories live. Discover now