This will be easy, just hold left

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Tears streaking my eyes I found myself at the end of the sewers, finally, too bad Duncan wasn't here to see this, that bastard Dark horse, just wait until I get my hands on him I will show him what it's like to hurt, what it's like to suffer, to have everything taken away from you although this guy is a psychopath so he probably has nobody in his life who doesn't hate him or maybe he's already killed them, ha. 

Climbing up the metal rungs I find myself with huge concrete walls looming above me with a thin entrance. I step inside, "come on Duncan follow close be--" Oh yeah.  I take another step and the wall seals behind me. My phone vibrates in my pocket so I look down to see nothing other than a text from Dark Horse: This will be easy, Ashley, just hold left. I try to hold back my anger. As I walk forward I brush my  hand on the wall but just find myself going around in circles, he's a dirty liar. 

I take my hand off the wall and let it hang by side as I continue, turning left right, up ladders downstairs. I come to some stairs going down, I step down and an icy chill shoots up my leg. I look down to see my foot in some clear water. I back out of it and turn around but a wall has appeared behind me, do I have to go in this water? I guess so, I tell myself plunging into the water, it comes up to my waist and I dunk my head under the water and see a stretch with  crossroad at the end, a corridor filled with icy water with no way of breathing. Hopefully, there is some sort of hole where I can breathe. I dip my head under the water and as my body tries to adjust to the temperature I dive down so I am fully horizontal. I kick my legs and frantically use my arms to propel me forward through the water. 

My lungs sting as I reach the end of the corridor, I swim up to try to find any oxygen, darkness creeps into my vision as the lack of oxygen begins to cause my whole body to shut down. I burst out of the water and collapse onto the concrete, coughing and spluttering, I lean forward and hurl chunks of vomit back into the water, diluted by the water that I drank.

I stare forward to see a fucking concrete wall, don't tell me I have to back in there. I stare back into the slightly off coloured water I stand up and walk towards the wall, touching the walls on the sides. I touch the end wall. Nothing. I lean against the wall and scream. 

The wall behind me opens up and I fall onto my back. I get up and look at the gap with awe. "Just hold left." He told me. Woah he was actually helping me. A pathway lights up and I follow the path to a small room. The door shuts behind me. Ooh how ominous.  The room is almost identical to the one at the beginning of this horrible journey, the one with the huge bed and ensuite. I sigh and collapse onto the bed. I had almost forgotten about Clara, thanks to her I've lost my only two best friends in the entire world. Wait... No, it isn't her fault it is Dark Horse's. 

I pull off my soaking clothes, wring them out and hang them over the bathtub before stepping into the shower. I moan with relief and the hot drops of water massage my back. I drench my whole body in clean, soothing water. But... Is it real? I don't think it was last time. I think it is just my body's way of coping. I rest in the bed and check on the beautiful clock over the grand fireplace which reads only half past six in the morning. I fall back and shut my eyes right before I fall into a deep sleep. 

I retreat into the land of clouds where I see Clara sat quietly gazing into her cup of coffee and I walk right to her and put my hands on her shoulders, her beautiful eyes look up at me. "Hello, Ash. How was your day?" She asks

"I missed you, Clara." 

"I missed you too."  She replies, leaning in to kiss my cheek. But then... She gets up and leaves.

"Clara?! Hey, wait!" I yell running towards the door but as it shuts and I open it to follow her out but she is gone. It is too late. "Clara? Clara?!" I call. Sh is nowhere to be seen. I hop in my truck and zoom around the whole city looking for her.

I sit bolt upright with cold sweat formed on my forehead. Is this it? Is there any point even going on anymore? She's probably fucking dead anyway. 

I give up, staying  in that room in comfort with unlimited food, showers TV, I decide. Whipping out my phone I type out: Hey fuck you, free TV and food?! Staying here buddy. To which he replies: Haha, your sweetheart is waiting. Sick bastard. 

I stay with only the company of TV characters. Occasionally I switch to the news to see report after report of missing people. Then from time to time I see my own face and after about 2 weeks suddenly the TV burst into flames, I rush to the bathroom to get some water and manage to put it out. I try to turn it on but nothing happens. Shit. I feel a vibration coming from my freshly charged phone. I see that everything on my phone has been wiped off, all my contacts, my apps... Including the app store and there is a message from Dark Horse: Don't want to leave? Fine, Don't. It says. I stumble towards the door and slam on it when I realise there is no handle. 

I abandon my attempt by the door and lay on the bed. 

I check my phone for the date I've been in this room for over two months but I feel fine, found a little friend to talk to. I stand in the shower, swaying gently I stay still thinking of nothing, concentrating on cleansing my body.

I hop out and get dressed into clothes. I stand in front of the mirror and see my clean body, brown hair with blue tips, if only I had scissors I could cut my mess of hair. I rip a thread off my shirt and use it to tie up my hair in an attempt of a ponytail bun thing. I look at myself in the full body mirror and I look awesome... Well, I think I do, except my missing sock and dark under eyes. "What do you think Socki?" I ask Socki

"You look stunning!" He replies.

"Thanks." I add.

The girl in the coffee shopWhere stories live. Discover now