Some things are worth fighting for

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As I exit the cold snow, the sky begins to darken, fog and cloud circling above me. Instantly Duncan slows as we enter the new place. Trees surround us, dark green unnatural trees. They loom above, blocking out all the sunlight but there are glow worms dotted on trees and in the air.

Duncan growls and we look at each other. I read his eyes telling me to go back. "No Duncan, we have to save Clara. I love her! If you had someone you cared this much about you would fight, wouldn't you?" He growls again and I only ow am realising how much I really love My girlfriend Clara. 

Duncan looks down and breathes heavily. "What's the matter buddy?" He starts to walk away. "Is it something I said?" He growls, turns around and starts confronting me. I step away and back up into a tree. He stands before me. Our eyes meet and he breathes, wet air on my face. I see his lips shifting around. 

"I love." He says. I touch my hand on his face and realise what he is saying. He is telling me that he loves someone too and he wants to help them.

"How do I help?" He kicks my shin gently and bares his teeth in a smile.

In a flash gunfire is heard. "Duncan get down!" I exclaim, quiet enough that the gun wielder doesn't hear. I turn my head and see a figure, smoking revolver in hand, masked face. 

"Get away from the boy!" He yells. I get up and he fires up towards the sky. "Stay away!"

"What are you doing you idiot waving that gun around! Someone will get hurt... Dark horse?"

"I'm not Dark horse! I'm trying to save you from that stupid animal! Move dumb ass!"

"No he's my friend!"

"He tried to kill me earlier!"


"Back at the start he almost killed me, if I hadn't run away I'd be dead!"

"Take off your mask." I tell them. They cautiously hide away the gun in their holster attached to their belt and gently pull of the mask. 

A  wave of shock and terror overwhelms me. How many people is Dark horse doing this to? He needs to be stopped. "Joe?" I ask. It has been weeks if not months since I saw my neighbor from home. Seeing his dirty face makes me feel sick, missing home.

"Ash?" I start towards my friend and hug him tight.

"Woah buddy, I missed you." I tell him.

"I missed you too. What is going on? Why is that guy on your side? How long have you been in here? Where are we?"

"Chill!" I say. "This is Duncan." I say pointing to the cowering animal on the floor. "He is my friend.

"How did he--" 

"I befriended him. Back in that tall grass where I found him, I was given the choice by Dark horse to kill and innocent animal. I did not. I realised that he was probably under control or command. But I know animals and I knew if he was anything like that. Animals love food yeah?"


"So, I took a carrot scene as he looked a bit like a horse or donkey. I cautiously fed him the carrot, preparing to run if he changed his mind and attacked me, and he loved me for it. Now we're buddies." I say ruffling Duncan's hair. "He is incredibly smart Joe. It is unbelievable. I don't know if Dark horse knows what he is capable of but it's awesome. Just before you came and nearly killed him he said 'I love'."

"Ash." Says Duncan, kicking my leg once again. He tilts his head upwards and in the small breaks through the trees I can see purple and green cloud circling around the sky.

"Oh shit. That looks bad Ash buddy."

"Come on Joe. Run!" I command

I hop on Duncan's bag, Joe slowly follows, marveling at all my stuff. "Hey Ash how'd you get so much stuff?" I sigh.

"From corpses." We are both silent before I ask: "How'd you get that nifty gun."

"I can't really remember, um. You know that really nice room with luxury bed yeah?"


"Well, I've spoken to other people here and about. They all spoke about different things in there. I got this gun. They also spoke about why they are here. I'm here for me little sister. Kidnapped by that Dark horse bastard. I bet he's just some nerd with a lot of money and a voice changer. What a douche."

"I got medical supplies and clean water."

"Bo-ring!" He whines.

"I didn't choose! I guess that is just what Dark horse, or... whatever his real  name is, thought I would want most? Although to be honest the best thing to get would be to see Clara again. To know she's safe."

"Yeah I hear you mate. I would give anything to see Jamie."


"Jemima, my sister. Duh."

"Yeah sorry. It's very cut off out here."

"Yeah no shit Ashley." There is silence for a while but as the unearthly clouds follow us and begin to weave into a spiral touching the floor we run faster than the clouds above us.

As the clouds part, the stars shine down shining slithers of silver light through the cracks in the trees. The once spooky forest no longer seams haunted. Just peaceful and calm. "Hey, this isn't so bad." I say, tuckering down beside a tree on a bed of leaves.

"I'd still prefer a bed though."

I agree but I think being out here forced to live like this gives real perspective on the world. Hey what am I talking about? I don't say things like that! Even in my head.

Ghost noises and wolf howls intended to scare us or at least disturb us enough to wonder... But it calms me. The other two seem a bit frightened but I think seeing me calm and collected helps them to fall into a slumber.

While Joe is snoring and Duncan is... not, I shove my hands in my pockets and just walk among the towering trees. It's peaceful but it gives me time to think. Abut home. About Clara. God, being away from her just shows how much I do really adore her. I can't wait to see her again, see her long brown hair and plaid scarf in the coffee shop again, man I hope that'll happen again and she's not already dead. Imagine just seeing her face light up when I come to be her prince in shining armor coming to save the beautiful princess. But this isn't a fairy-tale, this is real life. 


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