Anger may make certain choices clearer

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"What? Are you doing man?!" I call through the microphone.

"Your quest begins here." He says in the familiar, deep voice. "Find a way out."

"Is this some kind of sick game to you?!"

"Yes." He finishes as the speaker lets out a unsoundly beep.

I start to look around the area. I climb up the tallest tree I can find, doing anything to find a way out.

I arrive at the top. The sun is setting but I can clearly see an object that is glowing. On another tree. I climb down as quickly as I can, I run to where I saw the ominous glow.

I begin to climb, this tree is a little smaller I get to the top. I see the glow, it's a package, I reach for it, the fabric touches my fingers... and the glow is gone. The sun is almost down... I pick up the bag and head down the tree.

I am only a quarter of the way when I feel sharp claws on my shoulder. I vicious, hidious monkey looking creature, with long teeth and claws and what appears to be war paint on its face. I try to bat it off but it grabs the bag and throws me to the ground.

I cling on to the branch for dear life. I look down at my chest, I see the scratch marks that the animal left. There is blood seeping out, inking into my shirt and dying it red.

I arrive at the bottom of the tree and behind a tree, I see a rifle. I look up into the tree to find that beast. I see it an load the gun, I aim and fire, filling the sky with a crack then a thump... It hit. I jog over the the corpse grab the bag, removing it from his hard paws and swinging it onto my back.

My hands are shaking. I hear a bing on my phone, from Dark Horse; "Nice ;)" He must be watching me. I try looking for cameras but then it hits me... He must have made this forset! That is why he controls it, me, the wildlife.

"How do I get out?!" I call then I check my phone. "Look in your bag Ash." It says.

I take off my bag and sit on the floor. I empty it out and I find: a sleeping bag, some beef jerkey, a key which appears to be made out of wood and leaves? And some carrots. *Bing* I look down "Don't eat the carrots though ;)"

I guess I should find a lock. I make my way to the edge of the forest. I drag my hand along the wall of trees, looking, searching for a door or a lock. And finally, after what feels like hours. I checj mh phone only to see that it has not been hours, but days... I don't feel hungry though or thirsty. What? I look down a my stomach. I peel back my shirt. I see that my stomach has lost some weight and my wound is infected... I see blood a pus coating it. The blood is crusty on my chest.

I find a lock, made of rusted metal, with moss and algi. But how can this be? If that guy mad the forest just for me? Or did he? How long has he been doing this to people?

I walk in the room. There is a beautiful room full of food and a comfy bed, a first aid kit and a bathroom. I immediately head to the shower and oil myself in the soapy mess of bubbles. I wipe away the pus and the crusty blood off my chest and cleaning inbetween my toes. I wash my blue hair then step out of the shower and wrap myself in a fluffly, white towel. I put a septic wipe on my scratch marks and wrap it in bandages then pull a bath robe over my smooth shoulders.

I dive into bed and fall asleep.

The girl in the coffee shopजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें