You will not win

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I carefully tread, shining a beam of light on the ripples in the water as it splashes up my calves. An unsettling feeling clogs my throat as my foot squelches in a thick chunk of ooze on the concrete. A literal piece of crap. Duncan is skittishly trailing at my ankles as I pace forward, around corners and through tunnels. I can hear the eerie sound of dripping water and occasional the sound of a flushing toilet combined with the dampness in my feet that follows.

I approach another tunnel, this one much tighter than the rest but I still manage to  tunnel and crawl in, twisting and turning to find an angle in which I will fit, holding my breath due to the stench. Turning around to look at my pal I see him struggling to fit through the tunnel, twisting and turning until his shoulders fit in.

From the slither of gap there is beside his shoulders I see the outline of a human type figure. "Hello!" I yell, hoping to hear back from the friendly call of a fellow human. A hear the scuttling of rats, a whole colony or rats, scampering across the concrete paths and dashing through the small puddles of water running in a beeline for another tunnel but get split up when some of them are cut off from the others by a wall. Idiots. I hear nothing in reply but a snarly growl and as the figure gets closer I see ripped flesh and the exact appearance of a crank. "Duncan! RUN!" I yell, scrambling further through the tunnel, hoping and praying that Duncan will follow closely behind me and the crank won't. 

I hear growling and yelping from Duncan as I turned around to see the struggling, distressed. I manage to rotate and scurry back to try to squeeze him through the gap but as I pull at his legs and  body, he growls and tries to pull away from me. He signals for me to push on. "Okay buddy, follow behind me closely. We have about five minuets with all the other tunnels it has to get through."
I turn back around and scuttle forward. The end of the tunnel is just in reach! I jump out and me feet splash in the slimy water. "We did it Duncan! Duncan?" I squeal with excitement before turning around to see my friend right behind me, waiting to crawl out but instead I am met by the sincere and apologetic eyes of my Best friend. He stares at me in an eerie way before whimpering as the crank gets closer. 

I cannot take my eyes away as the monster leaps upon Duncan and pulls him down out of my view. A series of growls and whimpers follow as I call out, pleading for my companion's life, being brutally taken by nothing more that a controlled drone. "Duncan? Duncan?" I call out when the noises stop. No reply. This can't be it, it can't be! NO! 

Tears singing my eyes and staining my cheeks I crawl back through corridor and stare right into the white eyes of the zombie. The zombie which is... not attacking me? It just stares at me, a sort of content look on it's face. It looks down at Duncan, back at me and leaves. FUCKING WALKS AWAY! I scramble out the tunnel and drop into the sewer water. As small whimpering sounds still come from Duncan's shredded face I look into his eyes and he looks into mine. "Duncan no. Don't leave me buddy. It will be alright, you can't die. Everything will be okay. That bastard gave you to me, he can't take you away again. Can he?" I say choking on my own words. "Duncan, Duncan stay with me pal! You can't die. Don't leave me now! After everything we've been through this can't be the end! It can't!" I scream. Holding onto him and hugging him tightly the life drains from his body and he turns cold. 

Maybe if I go and find a... a cure right? I'm sure there's a cure, Dark horse is bound to have one right? Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's not over. Sure sure. 

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