What exactly are you trying to prove?

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Joe stares at me with yellowing, wide eyes. I stare back, still crying my eyes out. My vision is blurry with salty water which streaks across my face. I rest my shaking fingers on his eyelids and stroke them shut. I then roll him onto his side and lay his arms folded on his belly. I hop on Duncan and gallop out of this cursed place. 

We travel for about an hour before Duncan and me are both exhausted and the sun is getting low in the sky: 6:00. I find a building to go in and cautiously turn on 'my' torch and go inside, Duncan following skittishly behind me, a soft growl coming from his mouth. 

We run into no monsters or spirits or ghosts, perhaps the ones we saw and that fucking killed Joe, were just deterrents or something, this Dark horse person sure is confusing, I don't know whether he wants me to win or to lose but what sick bastard psychopath would be able to do that to another human being?! And even if he was able, surely the police would have put him in jail or something? Surely someone had filed a report against this sociopath, surely!

All the rooms we enter are just as creepy if not more now that I  know I'm alone, no one to help me unless maybe all my friends are in here, my family too, it wouldn't surprise me because there are so many people in this goddamn city and if there are just the 10 or so I've seen then if me and Joe are both here that's a huge coincidence, right, that's so unlikely... Unless he did it on purpose, just to mess with me.   

I walk up the rotting, wooden, carpeted stairs which have horrible, grey, faded patterns on them which look more rotten than this building. This whole city-type landscape I'm in no seems very old, way too old, how long has this guy been doing this? Or maybe he just made them to look  old, hmm, seems off though. The corridor is on a slant, curving and spiraling, making me feel sick and dizzy, Duncan still following behind, eyes wide open as if he has just seen a ghost... well I guess he pretty much has, that creature sure as hell didn't sound or move like a ghost or really look like one but I have no idea what it actually is.

The bathroom I enter is teeming with spiders and webs. A long, cold chill shivers down my spine past the my neck hairs which are now on end. I walk into the bedroom and see and grizzled, dusty bed covered with lace and buttons, shit like that. There is a dark wardrobe laced with dust and cobwebs.

I step forward closer into the room and a small fluffy creature, undoubtedly a rat, runs out from under the bed. I breath a breath of terror and shock before continuing to the wardrobe door. I quickly open it to find nothing. Relief surges through me when all I see are some white lacy nighties, no bats or anything. I kick the bed before jumping up on top to avoid any creatures left under there, I wait for a while and kick again, nothing. I throw a pillow from the bed under the bed and pull myself away from the bed. Nothing, but I feel there is something, there should be something, why isn't there anything?! 

Okay, I'm sleeping outside. I finally decide to just sleep in the middle of the tarmac road. I pull out coats and any bags I can find to use as a pillow or a cover or just something to lie atop. 

I sit comfortable but unsure if I'm safe but it's definitely not safe in there. I look at my phone, no messages, no missed calls. Poor mum, I hope she isn't too worried, or hates me. I mean, I missed my own frickin' birthday! I text Dark horse, my god I feel so stupid calling him that I want to know what his actual name is. It's probably stupid like Bruce or Dave, really anti-climatic you know? But that would make sense, he needs to cover up his name insecurities although Dark horse is no better to be honest. 

hey dh  I type into my tiny phone.

Ashley, do you need something? He replies

just a qwestion


how many peeple hav u taken?!

I don't know exactly, between 50 and 100.

fuck u dude



Don't you think  that's extreme?

no u bitch!!! ur a kidnapper and torturer!!!! u killed my best fucking freind asshole!!!!

Okay, if it was so illegal why haven't the police arrested me, huh?

shut up!!! just tell me y u killed joe!!!

To add drama and make it more entertaining :) But I didn't directly kill him, just created the ghosts.



how many peeple are helping u sociopath??!!!

None, I had helpers on the constructing stage though.

and who r they?!!!

Just normal construction workers.

k y weren't they suspicious

Oh they were but anyone will keep quiet for a certain price ;)

fuck u!!! I say turning off my phone and trying to get any rest. Duncan lies next to me and feeling his heavy breath helps me to drift off into a deep, nightmare filled, sleep.

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