And the things we wish we had've done

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The sun begins to rise as we slow down to a steady paced walk. The sandstorm ends and I put sun cream on my face and arms and take the eye patches off Duncan's face. He growls happily and wags his tail when he can see clearly again. I see a dead body and we trot over to it. I slide off Duncan, I don't recognise her. I guess other people were here the whole time. How did she die though, The grumbles? We are still in the desert after all, but I thought a victim of the grumbles would be more... Liquidised.

I receive a message as I lean in closer; "this was lily Evans."

"How did she die."

"Brutally shredded by grumbles." "Sigh"

"But, there is no blood or, any recognisable damage whatsoever!"

"Oh yes, there are other beasts that suck your blood and then patch you up so you would never know they were there! Great plan right?"

"Not at all!"

":( wut?"

"Shut up man"
Then I put away my phone and look around her corpse. I grab her bag and satchel, I guess everyone gets one, but she just took the satchel, not the 'Duncan'. I look in the bags. She has lodes of spare food, great! And she kept the sword. I don't want that, it'll frighten Duncan. I don't care how useful it is, Duncan is better.i can easily outrun those monsters, she couldn't.

Apart from the sword I take the other bags and tie them to Duncan. I continue my search for shelter and we walk miles. Duncan is panting, he's on the edge. I don't know how to help though, I have no water. Then suddenly my foot becomes wet as I find myself on the back of a fully submerged donkey. "You idiot!" I yell. " the bags are all wet!" I say, pulling him out the oasis. But then I realise that Dark horse must've spawned it in, right beneath our feet and all the food is packaged.

I pull the bags of Duncan and strip off my shoes, shirt and shorts and dive into the cool, blue water. Drinking it and swimming in it. While I'm prancing around like an idiot, Duncan is carefully sipping up the corner of the pool. I am unaware of my surroundings and anything that goes by me.

I fill up four flasks with the crystal water and put them in the bags. I make some weird armour for Duncan out of leather that I found in Lily's backpack and carefully fit it to him. I put on hooks to hold the bags and I carefully loop the bags on my friend. I put away the water bottles then slide my clothes back on and swing myself onto his back. I grab the reigns and pull him away from the water and start a trot.

It is three o clock, I see in the distance some trees and I figure out that it would take about three hours to get there, at this speed. If we get there at five we can find somewhere to sleep before night falls. We walk around without seeing anything out of the ordinary.

The sun is starting to drop but we are nearly there. I see that they are evergreen pine trees. There is a cliff face at the back of the woods, I see it towering above the tall trees. We get to the edge of the forest at half five, later than I thought we'd be, I don't know if there is time to make a den or a base.

I slide off Duncan also we can walk single file through the dense pine. After no time I find myself at the foot of the cliff and I search the bottom for anything besides grey rock and after thirty minutes of hinting I see a small cave with a small bear in it. I guess it's mama is hunting. I cautiously approach the cub and he rolls around playfully, then I turn to see Duncan communicating.

I feel breath on my neck and I slowly rotate my torso to see the the mother bear looming over me. She bares her teeth before open wide her mouth, drool hanging down her chin and she growls ferociously. I am scared for my life, a killer bear looks me in the he eyes, angry. Maybe she is protecting her cub. Duncan growls back at her and she backs away from me. They talk and Duncan growls happily, I guess we are sleeping here tonight. I lay out my sleeping bag in the corner of the cave. The Mother bear will be great protection.

I tuck into my sleeping bag and Duncan lays next to me. The baby bear cuddles up to me and shuts it's eyes. The mum yawns and falls asleep followed by the rest of us.

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