Not an update just a rant-sorry

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Sorry guys for those of you who actually leave good constructive comments this is Not for you. How every for those of you who only leave the words update and make it longer this is for you. I want you to know that I have some choice words for you and none of them are child friendly. Once you live my life and “walk in my shoes” then you can tell me to update sooner and make them longer, but until you survive my life I don’t want to hear it. You try to write about five different stories on Wattpad and then another for creative writing while worrying about you final in creative writing and all your other classes. Try dealing with friends you’ve had since second grade maybe not really being your friends. Try living in my house and I guaranty you will never do what you just did to me. I you want to be mean and provide nothing but unhelpful criticism then go somewhere else because I won’t stand for that. For those of you who are kind and give me good feedback thanks I need it. This was not for you.



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