Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

The next couple of weeks were slow; very slow. I got used to living in a small town, my mother made us all go to church together, I avoided Holly as often and my sister didn't call me a dyke once. I assumed my mother had told her not to in this town because it was considered a sin and we would probably be kicked out or something.

I hadn't returned to the stupid youth group either. After practically breaking down to that song by Kelly Clarkson and almost embarrassing myself in front of Holly as well as being a complete bitch, I didn't want to risk it.

School was pretty good, besides the fact that I got another detention for being tardy and another talk with the headmistress about listening to music in class. Spanish was going smoothly, I knew enough to get by and I was quite content with keeping my distance from Holly even though I continued to notice the attraction and little looks her and that guy Aaron shared. In the hallway they held hands and Aaron walked her to class. I wasn't sure if they were an item yet, but I continuously found myself contemplating on whether or not to slam my head into my locker. My overwhelming curiosity for what had happened after he sang that oh-so romantic song to her was practically eating away at my insides. But their actions expressed it.

I didn't even know why I was jealous, just that I had that crush on her that was not going away no matter how hard I tried. Maybe I needed to try and get a boyfriend just to keep my mind off of her, so I didn't do something completely stupid.

I tried to look for some guy that was nice and interesting, but I couldn't really find anyone. I tried to be nice and flirty but I never managed to actually go out with them.

But I was now known as the school loner, so nobody really decided to actually come up to me.

Things started to change when we got a project in Spanish. Mrs. Hernandez told us we had to do a project about art from countries that had Spanish as one of their languages. Too bad it was with a partner that she chose for us.

"Ashlynn, you will be working with Holland. Aaron you will be working with Wesley. Quinn with Elijah and Heather with Janessa," Mrs. Hernandez said just before the bell was going to ring. I sat up quickly and glared at the teacher, but she was oblivious as she continued to tell us what the project was about.

I had been zoning out before; thinking about how winter break was going to be coming up in another month and a half and that I would have to go to my dad's because he hadn't seen us in awhile.

We had come to Oen, Florida in mid or late October and it was early November by the time we got that project. I don't know why I didn't protest and ask to switch partners because I knew deep down that something was going to happen. Maybe I just wanted to work with Holly because I had that stupid little high school crush I'd finally let myself admit to by that time, even if it was stupid.

"Now, you may get with your partner and discuss the project. If I hear any other discussion on anything not Spanish related your grade will be brought down." She said and then went to sit at her desk and do whatever it was teachers did when they gave their students free reign.

I assumed a crossword puzzle, but I could have been wrong. Anyway, I made no move to switch my seat and decidedly pulled out my headphones to ignore everyone else's babbling. I gave Holly a sideways glance when she came over and sat down in front of me, sideways in her seat.

Her mouth moved but I didn't hear anything, I was too busy listening to music by Hunter Hayes. Instead of entertaining her, I put my head down on my desk and tapped my foot, not even paying any attention to Holly. 

A minute later my music was rudely cut off by someone grabbing the headphones and unceremoniously yanked then out of my ears and snapping the cord out of my iPod, "Hey," I snapped, a little too loudly so it grabbed a few people's attention before they turned back to what they'd been doing beforehand.

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