Chapter Sixteen

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I wasn't exactly sure how I would get Holly where I want her so I'm skipping over her POV until the next chapter. I think I know what I'm going to do after I get through this chapter. So pleeeaaase bare with me if you like Holly more than Ash!!!


Chapter Sixteen:

The ride up to Georgia with Dad, Kirsten and Chris was pretty quiet. Besides the low rock music my dad loved to listen to and Chris' occasional jabbering about nothing in particular, it was absolutely silent.

I sat in the front seat next to Dad, leaning against the door with my headphones in listening to my own music. At first Dad attempted conversation, but when I spoke with the smallest amount of words and was pretty hostile towards him, he got the picture. I did not want to talk to him.

We got to Dad's house during late afternoon around four after stopping at Taco Bell for lunch at one. My dad's always been sort of cheap and I didn't like many fast food restaurants so I didn't eat much food.

Finally Chris, Kirsten and I were settled in to our old rooms. Which looked exactly the same as we left them, minus the furniture that had been replaced by a futon in the middle of the room. Two in the one Kirsten and I used to share.

I hated this house. I wasn't sure how I would stand it for the next week.

"Kids! Come in here?" My dad shouted from somewhere on the other side of the house. One thing I didn't miss was all the yelling he did, whether he was pissed or not, my dad was loud.

I set my suitcase on the futon and gave Kirsten an annoyed eye roll before leaving the room. She followed after, crossing her arms over her stomach.

I didn't know why she did that. Maybe she was self conscious and thought she had a baby bump or something. We hadn't had a conversation about her pregnancy for awhile.

"Yeah, dad?" I asked at the same time Chris did when we all converged in the kitchen.

"I don't want to cook tonight, so what do you want for dinner?"

"Chinese!" Chris said before Kirsten o I could come up with anything.

"That sound good?" Dad asked the two of us.

"Sure." We both replied before he rustled through a drawer and grabbed a takeout menu from the junk drawer. It was the same one as before we'd moved out but filled with even more junk than before.

Dad wasn't really ever the best cook.

After placing our orders through dad, he went into mom's old office (which was now his work-out room) and called the Chinese place.

Chris went into the living room after we ordered to play on Dad's XBox. Kirsten went into the bedroom to probably think about how fucked she was. I, on the other hand, went outside and sat on the old rusty swing set in the backyard.

I rocked back and forth slowly, pushing my feet against the grass. I pulled my iPhone out of my back pocket, plugging in one headphone and watching my screen as I attempted one of my SniperShooter missions for the millionth time that day.

I heard the sliding glass door open on the back porch and glanced up to see my dad. "Hey, kiddo, what-"

"I'm not a kid dad. Don't call me kiddo." I snapped and returned my attention to my iPhone.

"Sorry, what do you want me to call you?" He walked out onto the porch and shut the glass door behind him with a snap.

"Ash." I stated.

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