Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

I'd decided to skip out on Youth Group because of the way Ashlynn had left, looking angry and flushed. As well as after Aaron and I argued about a date. He'd already been moody when he said he wanted to take me out right after youth group even when he knew I had the project with Ash. I told him that outright.

Aaron didn't like it much and got all clingy and angry accusing me of wanting to spend more time with Ash than with him. I didn't understand his overreaction to the situation or his attitude. It seemed like he hated Ashlynn's guts for no reason I knew.

So instead of sticking around I left him in charge, told him I'd see him on Saturday and got Ash's number from Kelsey. I wasn't quite sure if I should have just shown up and I had doubted that I should even go inside when I had arrived.

I guess I knew it was kind of creepy to just show up at someone's house, which I wasn't supposed to know where it was. As well as getting Ash's number off of Kelsey and then calling her. I guess it was a bit stalker-ish and weird, but I didn't know what it was: I just had to be friends with her.

We worked on Ash's homework and ate brownies together for hours. By the time eight o'clock rolled around we'd barely done any work as well as continuosly falling into fits of giggles when one of us would poke the other. Awkwardness and unfamiliarity were long forgotten and both of us were acting comfortable and relaxed around the other, like we'd known each other forever.

"Okay number seven," I said seriously as I leaned back against the stack of pillows Ash had gathered when I'd complained about the bed being uncomfortbale and a ad place to do schoolwork.

That glint that seemed to make itself known every time she was thinking of doing something evil or devious, "Aw, but why, Holly?" She complained, flashing me one of those secretive half-smiles that made me roll my eyes and smile back.

"Because we have to finish this, I need to leave!!!" I replied, remembering it was getting late and my dad would get angry if I didn't get home.

She whined again and kicked her feet like a five year old throwing a tantrum, the binder and papers falling all over the bed. "You can stay the night!"

"No I can't! Since when do you like having me around? I thought you didn't like me," I raised a teasing eyebrow as I ran my hand through my hair and arched my back, trying to stretch.

Ash pouted like a five year old and crossed her arms, "I won't let you leave!"


She didn't say anything in reply for a second and I assumed she had no answer. Until, of course, I was jumped and Ash started poking and tickling my sides. "HEY, STOP!!!" I shrieked as I laughed uncontrollably.

"Please stay?" She shouted, as she continued to tickle me. I kicked my legs, barely able to think I was so ticklish. I came in contact with something warm and soft and heard a loud thud as Ash fell off of me, groaning on the ground.

"Oh my goodness, are you okay?" I sat up, worried that I had hurt her. Ash was clutching at her stomach and grimacing in pain.

"Mhm," she groaned, not able to say anything.

I rolled off of the bed and knelt by her side, worried that I might have hurt her. Whenever I was tickled I kicked and hit, I usually told people to 'proceed with caution'. "I'm so sorry, are you sure?"

"Ow, yeah, it's all good," she sat up and stood, "dude, that hurt!"

I laughed at the outraged expression on her face, "Sorry! I didn't mean to, I forgot to tell you that I'm not very good with being tickled. I hit people."

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