Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve:

School went by fairly slowly and I couldn't get Ash or Aaron out of my head. Why was Ash so infuriating? She never tells me anything. I mean, I knew we'd only known each other for a week but it felt like longer.

The entire school day I was in a bad mood about Ash and worried about Aaron. Was he okay? Was he hurt badly? I didn't know, so I promised that I would go by his house after school and check on him. Ever since our kiss we'd gotten even closer and gone on dates three times in the last week.

My time with Ash seemed to bother him a lot but I tried to keep it separate from each other. I didn't known why they hated each other but it was obviously something serious enough for Ash to hit Aaron.

I decided that I would try to speak with Ash as soon as I left Aaron's.

Once I got out of school I called Aaron to see if he was at home. He was with him mom so I decided I would drive over.

When I arrived, Isis opened the door to me with a smile, "Hello there, Holly. How was your day?" She asked, opening the door wide to allow me entrance. I walked into the cozy entryway, smiled at her and told her it was fine.

"Aaron's up in his room," she smiled and went back to the living room to do whatever she had been doing before I had arrived.

I jogged up the stairs and knocked on Aaron's door lightly, "Come in!" He sounded perfectly normal.

I opened the door to see him in a pair of pajama pants, an XBox controller in his hands, staring at his television intently. He glanced at me and smiled sheepishly, nothing seemed to be wrong with his face. Pausing the game, Aaron stood up and faced me, giving me a full view of his shirtless chest.

My cheeks flames and I looked down at my feet, but I kept glancing up at him unable to keep my eyes away. His chest and arms were pure muscle and I felt myself blushing even harder. Once he turned away and threw on a shirt I tried to collect myself again. Come on, Holly, relax, its okay now, I consoled myself.

"Hey, Holly," Aaron grinned, giving me a tight hug.

I hugged back then pulled away slightly to look at his face, there was a slight puffiness in his left cheek and a dark outline of a bruise setting in. "Are you okay?" I asked, glancing up to meet his sparkling blue eyes.

"Yeah, its not that bad, it's a little sore but it'll heal." He smiled at me. "But it'll heal faster with a kiss," his eyebrows rose in a mischievous grin.

I rolled my eyes, feeling the butterflies I got whenever I kissed him before kissing lightly over his bruised cheek, "Better?" I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face. He was so amazing, what could make Ash want to hit him?

"Ten times," he grinned and leaned even closer, touching his lips to mine.  


When I left Aaron's house I decided to swing by Ash's to see if she was home. I kind of needed an explanation on why the heck she hit my boyfriend. But when I arrived the door was answered by Ash's little brother, Chris, who told me she was out with Kelsey.

Feeling upset that I wouldn't be able to speak with Ash until after the Thanksgiving holiday I went home to find the house completely empty. Glad I wouldn't have to speak or be near my father unless he came searching for me, I grabbed a cold piece of pizza from the fridge and headed upstairs to my room.

After texting Aaron and working on some left over math homework that I had been procrastinating on I heard the front door slam downstairs. Dad's home, I thought sadly, I was really hoping he didn't come upstairs in search of me.

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