Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

After the park and hearing Ashlynn sing so brilliantly we sat around by the lake for another hour as the sun reached its peak in the sky.

"I'm hungry." Was my excuse for leaving, even though I was hungry I really didn't want to leave.

"Okay, we can go get some food if you'd like." Ash shrugged and stood up, putting her hand out to help me up.

"Thanks," I smiled and took her hand. She pulled me up and we trekked back to the park.

I gave her directions to the little diner in the main town area and we got ourselves a booth. Once Emma had taken our order after grinning at me and flashing Ash an unconvinced look, which she gracefully ignored, we sat there in silence.

Emma worked at the diner every weekend so she could make enough money for her own car.

"So, what are you doing the rest of the day?" I asked.

"Nothing much, I didn't really have anything to do." Ash shrugged, twisting her fork between her fingers, staring at it instead of me.

She'd lied to me, but I'd decided to just ignore it. The bell over the diner's entrance rang, announcing to the workers that a new customer was there. Ash and I both turned to see who it was. Aaron.

My heart did one of those little skips that it usually did when I saw him, "Aaron!" I called before I could really think about it.

Aaron's head spun around as his mother and father both walked in behind him. When he found me he grinned and waved, but then saw Ash and his smile disappeared. I glanced at Ash and noticed her knuckles had gone white around the fork she was holding.

Before I could say anything Aaron had weaved his way through the crowded tables and was standing right before us. He leaned down and quickly pecked me on the cheek, I felt my cheeks flame slightly; I wasn't used to PDA.

"Hey," I smiled at him, peaking at Ash out of the corner of my eye. If looks could kill, Aaron would be dead.

Aaron grinned at me then turned to Ashlynn, "Hey there Ash! How ya been?" He asked, invading his way into her side of the booth and squishing her against the wall.

Ash looked like she was about to lose her grip and punch him."Hey, why don't you go sit with your parents? You are with them." I smiled at him and he glanced at me with a slight smirk on his face.

"I guess you're right. Ash, we'll catch up later, hey? Bye, Holl." He waved and walked away.

I gave Ash an analyzing look, "Are you okay?" I asked cautiously.

"Mhm," she muttered, not looking at me but glancing over at where Aaron was seated with his parents.

"Why don't you like Aaron?" I asked carefully, not sure exactly how she was going to react. Would she push me away?

She shook her head, "No reason, just don't like him. But that's not the point, lets eat and then we can take you home, okay?" Ash's head turned away from me and she looked at her menu.

I gazed at her for one more second, noticing the slightly flushed cheeks from whatever she had been suppressing. Why didn't she like Aaron? He was a great guy, an all around favorite and charismatic boy. Anyone would be lucky to know him, I was ecstatic to be dating him.

After we'd eaten Ash and I left together without sharing another word with Aaron, even though he texted me soon after we'd gotten into the car, Hey! You didn't forget our date tonight right? I'm super excited :D

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