Chapter Eleven-Part One

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Author's Note: I am so very thankful for my readers and followers. Please remember to vote, comment and fan :)

Chapter Eleven- Part One:

Monday came too quickly for my liking. One second it was Sunday and I was hanging out on the computer and chatting with some friends from back home, then my alarm was going off and telling me it was time to get up for school.

My sister had gotten home at around midday and the anger I felt towards Aaron and her had surged forward violently. I'd glared at her the instant she walked into the house but didn't say a word. She just raised an eyebrow at me and continued all of the way to her room without saying a word. God, how stupid was she? Was Aaron even telling the truth about her?

How else would he know about my sexuality?

Once I was ready for school I waited for Kirsten; since I was supposed to drive both of us to school. She was already gone when I went to check her room after about ten minutes of waiting. She must've gotten a ride from someone she knew at school.

When I got to school I went to my usual spot; the library. I would sit in there until the bell rang to signal the beginning of first period. The library was quiet and I always had something to do; the librarian at the front desk loved me. I would stamp cards for her or put away left over books just for the hell of it. It was probably the only nice thing I'd ever done voluntarily for anyone.

The bell finally rang and I headed slowly to first period. I was anticipating seeing Holly, but my brain kept telling me I needed to stop before this got out of hand. Yeah, but it already is out of hand. I let her spend the night at my house. I sighed and slowed my walking until I was one of the last few stragglers to make it to class. I kept my eyes down casted and stopped myself from glancing at Holly's seat, once I was at my own I stared at my desk while the teacher spoke, trying to ignore that Holly sat only a few seats away from me. God, what is my problem? It's not like something actually happened! I hung out with her! But yet there I was, completely ignoring her.

When the teacher let us go to do our projects I stay in my seat but allow myself to watch Holly move herself over to sit next to me, "Hey." She grinned at me, seeming really peppy.

"Hey," I couldn't help myself but smile back. Stupid, I snap at myself. My brain was at such odds that I would have liked to hit something. "How are you feeling?" I decided to push the reluctant part of me away until later and try and be social.

She shrugged, "Fine." The way she kept shifting around in her seat and tapping her fingers on the desk told me she wanted to tell me something.

"Want to tell me something?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, but it has to do with Aaron and I know you don't like him," she shrugged.

I just frowned, "Is it something good for you?"


"Then tell me!"

"Fine, fine. Aaron kissed me on Saturday!" She practically squealed, but didn't draw any attention because everyone else was talking too.

I raised an eyebrow and tried to keep my face as nonchalant as possible, "So?" I asked, even though my heart was pounding with jealous and my face heated with anger. Aaron really had the guts to do that after he slept with my sister?

I wondered if I should tell Holly about Aaron and his cheating, but I didn't have any evidence and she was so happy I didn't want to ruin that for her. Deciding to put it off until I spoke with Kirsten about it, I tuned back into what Holly was saying.

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