Ch.7- Mine

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Jades POV

I woke up in a bad mood today.

My dad bursts in my room and yelled at me for arguing with my mom.

Jaden came in my room and accidentally dropped a bunch of crap, looking for something.

The. My baby brother was screaming all morning. He's sick and wouldn't stop.

Ugh. Then my alarm clock kept beeping an hour earlier then I should wake up.

I got up and I guess my brother, Jonah got me sick becuase my throat hurt and I had a headache. And I couldn't stop coughing ad had a stuffy nose. Fuck my life.

I put on sweatpants/jogger pants and a crop top. I debated on wether I should go to school or not..

I decided I wouldn't and texted matt. I decided to change his contact name too.

Jade: I'm staying home. 😷
Matt: ok. I'm coming over.
Jade: no, your going to miss the bus. I'll see you tomorrow!
Matt: I'm staying with you all day until you get better!!

Before I could text back I heard a heard my window open and Matt come in.

"Seriously?" I raised my eyebrow and he playfully rolled his eyes and shut the window.

"Okay, I planned the day. Movies,food,cuddling- Optional of course! And more movies!" He exclaimed excitedly

"Okay I guess." I said tiredly. I'm glad he decided to forget about yesterday. But of course there is still a bit of pain that lingers in his eyes.

"How about.. The gallows?" He questioned and continued to search through my movie cabinet.

"Mm. K" I replied and coughed. I laid down and I saw Matt leave.

My throat burned and I reached for the water next to me. I sipped on it and Matt came in with snacks and some pizza.

He started the movie and kicked his shoes off and climbed on my bed.

He sat the the very edge akwardly.

"Matt come here." I rolled my eyes and he scooted over.

"I thought we were cuddling.." I whined and he smiled and climbed under the covers and there was a gap between us.

"Matt, can you just hold me?" I groaned and he wrapped his arms around me as I cuddled in his chest.

"Matt I don't know what to do..." I whispered.

"What do you mean?" He asked confused.

"We're not together and we do couple things... And when you asked me out I said no and I don't k ow what to do because I want us to be friends but at the same time I want you to be mine and all mine. And I know I can't keep pushing Your feelings away...." I gushed and he sat up.

I sat up too and we were facing eachother, criss-cross.

"Jade.. I just love you so much. And I don't know what to do with out you. I want you to be mine too and I can't put all that pressure on you so please, just date me and if it goes terribly wrong then... I would like us to be friends too."

You have to at least try it. You wouldn't know how you ACTUALLY feel until you date him.

"Oka-" he smashed his face against mine.

He smiled in the kiss.

"Finally." He mumbled and I grabbed his face. I kissed him hard and I felt a wave of feelings crash down on me.

He's mine now. Now that we're dating I feel a lot of weight off my chest. I want this feeling of him being all mine to last forever. And now that I finally said yes I don't want to be just friends. Maybe this is a good thing.

And this is where the chapter ends...

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