cover tutorial 1 - empty gold

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Cover Tutorial One: Empty Gold

(I was originally planning to post this as a teaching thread but idk how to code properly lol. Also I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE TEXTURES USED IN THIS TUTORIAL. CREDITS TO THE RESPECTIVE OWNERS)

<<[End result on top]>>

Step 1: 

Open Pixlr Editor and create a new canvas with the dimension 512x800.

Step 2:

Open the first texture (the white-grungish one) as a layer (Layer --> Open Image as Layer) from the texture pack which can be found in the external link. If you have trouble accessing it through the external link, just go to and select 'Empty Gold Resources'  and you can get the textures there.

Step 3:

Go to Edit --> Free Transform, and enlarge the texture so that it fits the canvas.

Step 4:

Open the second texture in the pack (the one with the pink and white dots). Place it in the centre, and resize it if you want.

Step 5:

Open the PNG of the model, again found in the texture pack. Resize if needed.

Step 6:

Go to Layer --> New Layer, and create a new layer. Now, select the brush tool, and choose a light, pastel colour from the colour palette. This will be the layer which covers the model's eyes. After selecting a colour, just run the brush over the model's eyes, till you get the desired effect.

Step 7:

Now, you have to type in the text. For the word 'Empty', I used the font Jane Austen, and for 'Gold' and the author name, I used Code Bold. Type in the text, make it the size you want and change the font colour if you like (although I highly suggest you don't).

Step 8:

Now, finally, open the last texture in the pack, which is also called a lighting texture. Transform it to fill the entire canvas. Then, go to the layer modes settings, (the icon at the left-hand corner of the Layer Box) and change the blend mode to Overlay and the opacity to 84.

Aaaaand, voila! You've made a cover! :D

Hope this helped, and don't be hesitant to ask questions. 

With love,


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