Chapter 10

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Audrey's POV

Me and Haven were walking out of class. It felt good to finally see her happy. She got the guy she wanted. I just wish I wasn't Matt. He's put her through so much, but maybe she can change him. As we were walking out of class, Skate and Matt were standing a little ways in front of us.

"Hide me, It's Skate."  I said, hiding behind Haven.

"Stop hiding from him and go make a move." She said.

"No way, he'd laugh in my face." I said.

"What're you talking about? He's insanely in love with you.." Haven said, I gave her a confused look.

"Shut up. No he isn't." I said.

"Babe, you seriously haven't noticed? The way he watches you walk out the door after school. He leans against the lockers, smoking his joint, and jus watches you. It's obvious he likes you." She said. As soon as she said that, Skate walks over and starts talking to me.

"Hey baby." He said, looking me up and down.

"Heller." I said, awkwardly.

"I was just thinkin', me and you should go out sometime." He said, backing me up against the lockers.

"You see, I've liked you for a long time Audrey." He said, putting each hand by the sides of my head.

"Then why are you just now making a move?" I asked.

"I was waiting for the right time." He said, smirking. I thought about it for a few seconds.

"Okay." I said. He smiled real wide and grabbed my hand, walking  out of school.

"What are you doing? We still have an hour of school left." I said, confused.

"I don't care. I skip all the time. Don't worry, we're gonna go have some fun." He said, laughing. We hopped into his car and drove out of the school parking lot.

"So, what do you wanna do baby girl?" He asked me, I blushed at the name.

"I don't know. Wanna watch a movie at your place?" I asked.

"Sounds great. Then we can go to the park and watch the sunset?'' He suggested.

"That sounds perfect." I said. We pulled into his driveway and I hopped out of the car. He opened the door and we walked into the living room.

"What movie do you wanna watch?" He asked, getting on Netflix.

"If I Stay. I love that movie." I said.

"Never seen it, so I'm excited." He said, picking the movie. He picked me up bridal style and sat down on the couch. taking me with him. I turned around to where my back was against his front. I laid my head back on his chest and he put his hands around my stomach.


*2 hours later*

The movie was over and I was still balling my eyes out. I didn't like how it ended, but it still got my emotions all out of whack.  I looked back at Skate who was perfectly fine. He looked at me.

"You're a baby. The movies over and you're still crying." He said, laughing.

"How are you not crying? That's one of the saddest freaking movies ever." I asked.

"I just don't get emotional easily. It takes a lot to break me." He said, looking down.

"I understand."  I said. I looked outside and it was getting late.

"Want to go to the park now?" I asked.

"Sure." He grabbed a blanket and we hopped up and walked outside, getting into his car. We made it to the park and he laid the blanket down. We sat on it and the sun started to set.

"Wanna hear a song I've been working on?" He asked me.

"Sure." I said. He stood up and cleared his throat.

'I don't  know what's happening,

and I don't know what's wrong,

all I know is nothing's promised and one day it 

could all be gone

while I'm here I wanna live my life for what it's


some days good and some days bad

cuz that's just how it is on earth so

a little bit of sunshine

little bit of rain, yeah

a little bit of sunshine 

little bit of rain, yeah'

(Little Bit- Skate Maloley)

"That was amazing Skate. I love it." I said, mesmerized by his voice.

"Thanks babe." He said. The sun was starting to set and he picked me up and wrapped the blanket around us.

"Today was perfect." I said.

"Perfect ending to a perfect day with a perfect girl." He said, I looked up at him.

"I love you Skate." I told him.

"I love you too Audrey." He said, leaning down and kissing me.

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