Chapter 12

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Matt's POV

Haven, what she said.. I didn't expect. I walked back to class. I walked into tjheroom, all eyes on me.

"Anyways. Matt, its your turn." The teacher said. I stood up with my paper and crumpled it, throwing it in the trash.

"I had a paper, but it doesn't say, even close, all I want to say and everything that needs to be said. I made a mistake. I took an innocent, beautiful, sweet girl and ruined her. I hurt her self-esteem, her feelings, her heart..I'll never be able to tell her how sorry I am. Words cannot begin to express how much I care about her. I did it, because I was scared of what would happen if I didn't. I don't deserve her. She can do so much better, but she chose me and I'm so grateful that she came into my life. Her past eats her alive and I played a part in her past. I hope I can claim a permanent spot in her future, being more than friends. I screwed up, but I guess that's what I do. She loved me more than anyone else in the entire world and I destroyed her.. I need her, because she makes me laugh more than anyone else, and I'm the best when I'm with her, and when she's gone, nothing feels right until she returns. God, I love her so much." I looked down at the ground.

"I need to make this right." I ran out of the room, foot steps behind mine.

"Matt!" She screamed.

"What do you want Andrea?" I asked, annoyed. I'm wasting time.

"You're really running back to that skank? She's a whore. A dumb slut. A waste of space. She should've killed herself a long time ago. Stay with me baby, i can make ypou feel all better." She said, running her fingers up my arms.

"Piss off Andrea. I don't like you. How could you say that about her? Shes done nothing to you." I said.

"She stole you from me." She said.

"I was never yours. You were never mine." I said.

"We can change that." She said, getting closer to me.

"It's never going to happen. I'm in love with Haven, not you." I said, starting to walk off.

"Whatever Matt. You'll be back. They always come back." She said.

I ran out of the school and to my car.


Haven's POV

My mind is a mess of broken down memories and what I wish was real..

"Hey.." Cameron said.

"What are you doing here Cameron? I'm not in the mood for your crap today. How do you even know where I live?" I asked, fed up. If he showed up just to piss me off, I'm going to kick him straight in the balls I swear.

"Don't worry about it. I just can by to say I'm sorry."

"You made him do this. Why did you do this? Why did you make me get attached? Why did you make him hurt me?" I said.

"I have my reasons." He said.

"It's pretty obvious you knew how I felt about him." I said.

"Yeah I did." He pushed me up against the wall.

"Get off of me." I said, squirming.

"You hate me." He said. I stopped and looked at him.

"No I don't Cameron. If I treated you the way you treated me, you would hate me..more than you already do." I said.

"I don't hate you." He said, letting me go.

"You bully and make fun of me. It seems like you do." I said.

Just A Bet (Matthew Espinosa)Where stories live. Discover now