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Zacharyias looked at devil sceptically, " no, you hand over the scepter first", he said.
Right now he was in the form of a middleaged man with tired eyes, slicked back half-grey hair. And he looked really done with the angel, like a businessman getting told that he needed to take some longer hours, just before he was getting off work.
The person with the golden scepter grinned, being in the form of a human with black horns.
" no", their voice were rough, but with a somehow teasing undertone that made Zachary more tired of his job, " i won't hand it to God for free", he said.
" well God is not going to give you anything Tarv", Zachary said tiredly. They had jut met, but of course the angel had remembered the name, after the deil had introduced himself just a minute ago.
The devil pouted, letting go of the scepter, which fell through the dark ground and dissapeared. 
Hell was build up by multiple floors, each one you were able to travel between, that was, were you a devil. To go deeper, you had to be able to take the thick air of sins flowing around. That's why angels didn't go to hell.
Zachary looked after it with a unpleased expression, then sighed.
Tarv walked over slowly, his black eyes watching the angel. It had been the first tie he had seen one in his life - it was not like the deils really got out of hell either,
" woops", he said with no sign of surprise no remorse for his actions.
" you didn't even try to look sorry", Zachary stated annoyed.
How are you going to retrieve that?", the devil grinned, leaning slightly closer in, " you can't go futher than the first floor with that pure mind of an angel", Tarv said amused. He knew that, it must have already been somehow uncomfortable to be on the first floor of hell - this was not a place for angels for anything holy.
Zachary sighed, looking at Tarv, before slowly sinking through the darkness, leaving a surprised expression on Tarvs face.
Wait, how?
" that's...", Tarv sunk down as well, looking as Zachary appeared slowly,  looking for the scepter. Of course it wasn't there, that would have been too easy, Zacary supposed.
The angel grunted unpleased.
" how did you do that?", Tarv asked slightly curiously, still in awe and confuion.
Zachary didn't answer, sinking again.
Tarvs eyesbrows furrowed, as if he was thinking, before his smile returned, "oh. now i get it, you're sinning at this very moment", he said, following Zachary.
The angel looked around again. It wa nowhere in sight.... How far down was it..?
He ignored the devils dumb grin.
Tarv looked very amused, " want to go deeper? i can help you", he said, wrapping an arm around Zachary's waist, which would have been the perfect provocation if it wasn't because this was Zachary, and that he was too busy finding more sins from his mind, that on focusing on Tarv. He he had to be schocked at everytimes a devil touched him, then his job would have been a lot harder.
Tarv moved closely over, looking at the angel, whom clearly didn't focus at him at all.
It annoyed the devil senseless, even it it was for only a few seconds.
" look at me angel", he commanded, or tried. It came out like a child seeking attention from heir mother. Tarv had never been the greatest at sounding angered unless somehing important.
" I'm busy", Zachary sighed, putting little effort in pushing him away.
Tarv pulled him closer, before kissing the angel roughly and passionately. Why his mind had thought that was a good idea, he did not know, but his comon sense told him that this would definitely shock the angel.
That made Zachary's eyes return to him, mostly because Tarv filled his whole face now, also because it was  forcefully, yet very passionate for no apparent reason. Something Zachary had never tried, honestly, Zachary was passionte about a very few things.
He didn't push him away though, the devil had him in a rather tight grip too, they began slowly sinking down more.
Tarv pulled away shortly, both breathing for air. The devil looked up at Zachary, seeming pleased to have the angels attention.
" finally", the demon said, licking his lip and attacked the angels dry lips again, while burrying a hand into Zachary's chestnut colored hair. There was something different about this angel. Tarv couldn't exactly put his finger on it, but it made him want more, want his attention. It was a bit like a drug (which Tarv knew a plenty about) - it just felt so good being this close, like a kind of warm he had never thought was existing. It was not love, no... more like a kind of lust.
Zachary laid his palms on the devils chest, trying to push him away.
The devil made a unpleased sound, " what?", he asked, looking up at the angel.
" you're filling my view", the angel said, trying to look around after the scepter, making Tarv more annoyed.
The devil kissed him again, slipping a hand into his clothing, making a very irritated sound and pressed against Zachary.
Zachary pushed the devil harder away, " stop that", he said firmly. There was no real anger, just a defned irritation and displeasure. Even though that had been Tarv's goal, this did not feel like he wanted it to feel.
The devil looked at him, still holding onto him though.
Zachary looked slightly irritated which the devil did not know what to think of.
One hand he liked to provoke the angel, but on the other...
" move your hand away", Zachary said.
Tarv slowly did so, feeling slightly surprised of how easily he was being commanded by the angel. 
Zachary looked around, no scepter here.
" how long did you drop it?", he asked.
Tarv grinned slightly, glad the angel had stopped telling Tarv off, " tenth floor", he said, earning a tired groan from Zachary.
Right now they were only on the fourth floor. 
Tarv leaned slightly in again to kiss Zachary,  but the angel pressed his cool fingers against Tarv's lips,
" i can get them myself", he said.
The devil grimaced a bit. Too bad. The angel closed his eyes, Tarv watched him as they sank down silently through the next floors.

Zachary, the heavenly messenger that came to hell.
No other angel wanted to do that. But for some reason this angel had permission to sin and go deep into hell to find what he was asked to get. Tarv figured, that since no other angel wanted to, Zachary was able to do whatever he wanted in return for taking an unpopular job.

Tarv reached over, taking a hold of his chin, which apparently didn't disturb the angel.
He had this heavenly glow out of him, clearer out of his eyes and mouth when he spoke.
Glowing like it was captured in the shell of a human man.
Tarv found himself wanting that, wanting that glow to be his and only shine for him. This was weird, he had never felt so possessive about anyone or anythng before. He supposed that was what made being holy so wanted. It was so pure, so delightful. He could see the glow here, deep in the darkness. Couldn't he keep it somehow...?
Before he knew it, the angel stood on the eigth floor, seeming more tense and breathed slower, as if it was hard to get air.
Zachary's opened his eyes slightly, not focusing on anything in peticular, not even with the fact that Tarv filled pretty much everythgn of his vision.
" what are you doing angel? We're not there yet", Tarv said, putting much attention on how the angel seemed to sweat and twiched with his hands.
"...Are you alright?", Tarv asked a bit too quickly, looking at him with a slight frown.
The glow had somehow settled a bit, which Tarn found very displeasing.
Zachary didn't answer, which made the devil once more annoyed. He really disliked being ignored, especially by this person.
He realized they were slowly sinking into the ninth floor, which really did surprise him. No angel went normally through more than the first floor,  sometimes the second of what Tarv knew of. Then again, he had not met any actual angels before.
The angels legs trembled, as Tarv looked down and once on the ninth floor, Zachary fell onto his knees.
" angel, you're killing yourself", Tarv stated a bit worried, looking at him, for some reason kneeling down in front of him.
Zachary grunted, " leave me alone", he said, rubbing his temple.
Tarv looked at him, not sure what to do. He watched as the angels glow faded, growing angry, then took the angel up in his arms. He was heavy, but Tarv was filled with energy, energy for saving that glow, " You should justgive up!", he yelled into Zachary's face, with a sudden rage.
The angel looked surprised, before the devil sat off with a jump all the way to the fourth floor. Devils didn't really have troubles between travelling through the different floors of hell.
The angel gasped wildly for air,
" you can't take being so far down into hell, damn angel", Tarv said, the glow returned slowly.
" it isn't even on the tenth floor", Tarv said annoyed, " why do you want it so badly?", he grunted, still holding Zachary, who was more eager to breathe in the clearer air. He didn't seem to alive though, his eyelids falling halfly down. 
The angel had probably tried holding up some stupid facade until e had found the scepter.
Tarv sat down with him, placing him at his lap.
He'd need some time to pure his mind. In the meantime...
Tarv made sure to keep the light to himself, wrapping his arms around the glowing angel.
" stupid angel", the devil grunted.
After a while Zachary seemed to be more awake.
" eugh, i get paid too little", He mumbled, then focused on Tarv, " hrm? Where are we?", he asked.
" fourth floor", Tarv grunted, having given up being angry at the angel.
Zachary moved a hand up to a silver clip onto his necktie.
" mission failed", he groaned tiredly, " devil threw it down far in hell", he removed his hand, Tarv looking at him, was that some kind of communication device?
Tarv stood up with the angel. He realized that if they were here much longer, maybe some devils would notice the angels presense and he didn't need or want that.
" where are you going?", Zachary asked, looking at him, but did little to resist. Probably because he was still exhausted.
" back to my place", Tarv said.
The angel looked slightly suspicious,  but didn't say anything at first,
" why?", Zachary asked tiredly.
" because there might be devils who will harm you out here", Tarv grunted.
" and you won't?", Zachary asked sceptically.
Tarv didn't answer.
" i don't have time, i need to go get that scepter", Zachary said exhausted, wiggling slightly around in his grip. Despite being smaller than te angel, Tarv was not weak.
" sit still", the devil said annoyed, beginning to walk.
Zachary decided to do so, looking at the devil that seemingly had just saved him from being stuck in on the ninth floor.
"i'm going to take a nap then", Zachary mumbled, closing his eyes.
Tarv looked at him, honestly he had expected the angel to resist a bit more. He felt somehow relieved though, that the angel trusted him for now.
Zachary had to be something else than other angels, every devil knew that heavens messanger was different, there was something normal about him, something that made him easier to comunicate with than the others angels. Probably, as Tarv had realized now, that the angel was capable and alright with sinning.
Tarv had heard he was very strong as well, so he was curious of why the angel apreared like a middleaged tired man with little musclemass.
Never mind. Tarv looked at him, studying the now more relaxed face.
He wanted that light a bit more for himself, it facinated him so.

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