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The heavy 'thump' sound, the glass shattering and the coughing, woke Zachary immediately.
The angel groggily sat up, but tensed up as his eyes caught Tarvs lifeless body on the floor.
He rushed up and over to Tarv, the alarmbells of his head all going off.
"Tarv? Tarv!", he yelled, his voice reaching an uncalm level that it rarely did.
He was breathing, coughing again and created a small red stain on the carpet.
He needed to do something quickly.
The angel laid his hand on top of the Devils forehead, closing his eyes. Maybe he could heal him...
Five seconds without result began to frustrate him already, growing him impatient.
He did not have time to try something that might not work.
He took the devil up, looking over at the wine and narrowed his eyes. Poisoning?
He looked at the devils unnatural pale face, before folding a pair of grey wings out from the back of his back, which tore the back of the shirt up, not that he bothered.
In one jump, he sat off the grounds, clutching Tarv closely to him.

"Metatron", he roared through the temple, " Metatron!",
"Yes?", the angel appeared by his side, smiling akwardly like he always did. He frowned as seeing Tarv, taking a step back, " Zacharyias-!", he said, almost baffled. Devils in the holy temple was definitely not allowed at all.
" help me!", Zacahry stopped him, " he suddenly fell over, he's coughing blood up", he said, sounding very serious and more firm.
Metatron cleared his throat, then looked at Tarv again. 
" yes, he's poisoned", the angel pointed out, before recieving a sharp glare from Zachary, "... Zachary-", he made a displeased sound, then moved over, looking at the Devil, "hrn", he sighed, gently laying a hand onto the devils chest, concentrating for a long time.
He furrowed his eyebrows, but eventually the devil gagged, opening his mouth up and out came a small ball of a white powder. It was not much, but enough.
Zachary starred at it narrowing his eyes,
" ... holy dust", Zachary mumbled, looking at the weapon, which was completely harmless for angels.
Of all of the different poison, Zachary knew this one was especially dangerous for a devil.
It would break down the system from the inside, like acid.
" seems so", Metatron sighed slightly,  still concentrated and took the white dust into his hand, them put it into pocket.
Zachary looked clenched his teeth,
" how is his throat?  His stomach? Lungs?", he asked worriedly, looking at Matatron.
The angel  looked at him, then laid the hand back onto the devil, closing his eyes and started mumbled a prayer.
Why had he been poisoned and who had used holy dust?
Zachary felt himself angry, almost fuming.
He looked at Tarv, calmig a bit down, as he watched the devils face return into it's normal color. He felt less upset now.
Metatron finished mumbling the holy words, then sighed, retrieving his hand, " there, he should be fine", he said.
Zachary nodded relieved, " thank you Metatron",
" do not thank us, just please do not make it a habit to pull devils into the holy temple", Metatron furrowed.
Zachary nodded,
" I'm sorry", he said, bowing his head slightly.
Metatron was powerful, and since he had reacted quick, nothing too bad seemed to have happened...
Why had this happened though? Who had put the flast there and when? He couldn't have been asleep for that long...
" h-hrmn...", the devil in his arms started moving around.
"Thou would better take him out of here", Metatron said, looking at the angel.
Zachary nodded agreeingly. Like the air in hell stung slightly in his lungs, he would probably also sting a bit for Tarv to be in the holy temple, so deep into heaven.
He greeted off Metatron, who stopped him,
"Zacharyias. Be careful", the angel said a bit worried.
The messenger looked at him, then nodded, " i will", he sighed, then set off back towards hell.

Tarv opened his eyes, looking around and realized he was back in his room, on his bed. His neck was somehoe a bit sore, but at least he wasn't dying.
He looked towards where the glass splinters and bottle should have been, but nothing. It was definitely not a dream.
He looked besides himself, at Zachary who was intensely staring athe ceiling, not even noticing he was awake, it seemed.
"Zachary?", Tarv called, immediately getting his attention. Zachary sat slightly up, lookig at him.
Tarv had never seen him so.... Worried? Angry? His emotions were showing, and even though it was subtle, it was much more than usually.
" Are you alright?", he asked, looking at Tarv. The devil nodded, "y-yeah", he smiled, "what happened?", he asked.
" you got poisoned", Zachary said sternly, caressing the side of his fare and cheek gently.
Tarv paused, yeah - that sounded about right, " i... see", he mumbled. It was not that uncommon he supposed, he had been so a couple of times in his life, but never so.... horribly.
Zachary pulled him tightly into a hug, sighing softly, " I'm so glad you're alright", he mumbled exhausted.
Tarv hugged back, relaxing a bit more and smiled, " thank you", he said.
Zachary looked at him with a serious look, " we need to find out who did it", he said. Tarv looked at him, then nodded.
He supposed so, he surely didn't want to die, but  even more importantly: he didn't want anyone being able to do such thing at their place.
Zachary paused, then kissed Tarv softly, pulling him closer. The devil returned the kiss, lookig at Zachary. He seemed rrally upset  which the devil was somehow really happy about. He was glad he mattered to Zachary.
"If you need something, tell me", Zachary said.
Tarv smiled and shook his head, "I just... want to relax with you for a bit, alright?", he asked.
Zachary nodded, caressing his waist.
Deep down, they both has a suspicion of who did it, but let it wait until later.
Zachary just wanted him safe and relaxed for now.
He'd make sure this wouldn't happen again. The angel gently kissed his cheek, watching Tarv decending into a more relaxed state.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2016 ⏰

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