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Tarv sat onto the bed, trying to grab properly into his hair in frustration. He was sure he had made the angel never want to set a foot here anymore.
" what are you doing?", a tired voice aaked, as Zachary came walking into the room, not looking any different then when he had left just a few hours earlier.
Tarv looked up in surprise and confusement, " angel?", he asked.
Zachary nodded slowly, " yes",
Tarv looked astonished at him.
He had come back?
Zachary sat down in the bed, taking his jacket off, breathing tiredly and brushed his hair back.
Tarv got up, looking at him, "do you want anything?", he asked, " food, sleep?", the angel leaned back in the bed, as if he had just waited to hear that question.
" rest, yes", his said.
Tarv wondered why he was so tired.
Was it because being in the fouth floor hell was exhausing? How come he could be there anyway?
" are you angry at me because I kissed you?", he realized how out of character that question must have dounded, vut we wanted to know.
" not really", the angel said.
" why not? ", he asked, looking wonderimg at the man.
" why should it? Well it is tirering that you disturb my work and apparently are a bit violent", Zachary said, looking at him.
Tarv looked at him, then leaned over above him, facinated looking at the angel beneath him.
" but you told me to stop", Tarv said.
Zachary nodded, " it was unnecessary to hurt me",
Tarv paused, " I won't do that again", he promised quickly.
Zachary stared at him, then to the side, "aha", he said.
Tarv decided to catch the angels attention again, trying another way and caressed his jaw gently.
Zachary continued to ignore him.
It pissed him off, but he felt a sting of guilt this time.
Why was it so hard to make the angel look at him?
He bowed down, kissing the angel again, this time softer so wouldn't hurt him.
He didn't want to bruise the angel like that. Tarv looked at him, still realizing that the angels eyes where somewhere else.
Tarv grunted irittared, digging a hand into the angels hair.
He wasn't sure what he tried to acomplish like this. Maybe it would work now when the angel didn't have a job to work on.
There was a knock on the door, "mister Tarv?", a voice called.
The devil didn't answer, caressing Zachary's waist with the other hand.
To his annoyance the angel looked at the door.
The knocking continued.
He pulled his lips away, what was wrong with this angel?
" someone's at the door", Zachary breathed out.
" what do you want?", Tarv snapped, sitting more up and stared angrily at his door.
" baron Iral is here", the servant said.
Tarv sqeezed his eyes a bit together, " show him a room and say I'll come later", he said.
Zachary looked after the door still, as Tarv rubbed his temple, then leaned down continuing where he had let go, to find something new happen.
The angel kissed gently back, making Tarv stare at him for a long while.
Was he imagining it?
He didn't stop though, wanting it for a bit more. It felt so good.
As they parted Tarv just looked at the angel. He had clearly gotten his attention now and he loved it.
" what...", Tarv started out, looking puzzled. Everything the angel did made no sense to him.
" what? ", Zachary asked,
" why did you do that?", Tarv asked, looking at him.
" do what?", Zachary asked, as if not having realized it.
Had he really imagined it?
Tarv paused, "kissing back", he then continued.
Zachary looked at him with a unreadable expression, " because I wanted to", he simply said.
What kind of answer was that!
" what? You make no sense, angel", Zachary said, not really able to feel annoyed though, " did you like it or what?", he snorted.
The angel nodded, silencing the devil. He had no idea how Zachary did it, made him speechless like that.
" excuse me?", the devil asked again slowly, just to make sure ge heard that.
" I liked it", Zachary said, still with a plain expression so Tarv couldn't tell if he was beig Ironic or not.
"...", Tarv leaned down, kissig him the same gently way was before and recieved the same response.
The angel under him seemed to actually relax.
What did that mean? Had he successfully made the angel his? Why did he send suh mixed signals!
The devil had so many questions that he demanded answer on.
He pulled his lips hesitated away.
It felt so addictive.
" you had a guest", Zachary said calmly.
" ...", Tarv nodded slowly, getting up. He maybe needed some time to think about this.
Sure, he had kissed the anhel over and over, but getting what he wanted was more confusing than he had thought it to be. He eyed the angel as he walked out, trying to figure it all out.
He felt like the first time he had kissed someone; it ended too quickly, he was too confused, but it had been pretty damn good.
He walked out in a slight daze, slightly high on the thought of what happened.
Tarv snapped slightly out of it by the thought of the Baron.
Why had he come now? Had it simething to do with Zachary?
He walked to the guest room, clearing his throat and knocked onto the door, " Baron Iral?", he asked.
" come in", he said with a slight raspy voice.
Tarv stepped into the room, where a devil was sitting in a chair.
He was tall, robust and had white skin. He had red sharp horns and red eyes, " hello Tarv", he smiled.
The devil grunted, Barons mostly ment trouble with the powerful people of hell.
" i heard you had a golden scepter", Iral said, looking at him, " or at least that you dropped down in hell, then collected it again", He said.
Tarv nodded, " and then?", he asked, " i gave it to the messenger Zachary, I didn't want trouble", he said. That was more or less the truth,
" i see", Iral said, " too bad", he kept sitting there, expressing he wasn't done, " that seems awefully nice of you to dive down and get it", Iral said with a obsequious smile.
Tarv looked at him, snorting, " hrmn, i just didn't want trouble as i said", the devil said.
Iral nodded, " typical you, hm?", he said, leaning back.
Tarv shrugged. By Satanarch, that guy pissed him off, " was that all?", he asked.
Iral nodded, " yes", he said, then got up.
Tarv felt suspicious, but figured the scepter really had been a big deal.
The devil walked back towards his room, laying the baron off in his mind.

As he stepped into his room, smiling. Alright back to that ang- he stood in the doorway, watching how Zachary stood mid in the air, his eyes open and glowing. He was standig out on the floor.
...What was he doing?
He kept standing there, staring at the man. He didn't dare say anything.
After a while the angel fell onto the ground, he landed onto his feet, his eyes going back to normal.
" are you alright?", Tarv asked.
Zachary looked at him, then nodded, " I'm alright", he said slowly, ruffling the grey and dark hair.
Tarv looked at him for a bit, then walked over through the bedroom and out another door, which lead to a small livingroom.
" excuse me", Zachary said, following him, " you wanted me here, right? ", he asked, looking at him.
Tarv looked back up. Oh? Was the angel wanting to stay here?
He honestly couldn't tell.
Was he trying to pay back for the scepter?
" yes. Why?", Tarv asked.
Had he charmed him?
" Metatron temporary threw me out of heaven", Zachary said calmly.

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