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Tarv gave up waking Zachary up the next morning.
He just... well, seen as Zachary was tired all most all the time, he supposed it was understandable that the angel didn't respond with anything but grunts and tired noices.
The sat up, looking at the angel besides in on the bed.
Simply stunning.
Last night had been... he wasn't sure how to explain it.
Heated, in that good amazing smooth way.
He could clearly recall it, and still it was like a dream, simply a feeling that he remembered.
He brushed a bit of the halfgray hair away from his forehead, smiling,
" stay here. I'll get us breakfast", he said, then got up.
He hummed slightly and took his pants on.
It had been quite a while since he had had had sex, especially something that felt this good.
And he had to admit, it wasn't exactly the angels skills, so it had to be somehing more mental that physical that made him so sure that this had been absolutely amazing.
He passed a livingroom to see the silhouette stand there of a devil, oh great, the thing that could make this morning from really good to 'eeugh i hate this'.
He stopped up, taking a slow step back an looked in there.
" hello", the Baron Iral said, looking at Tarv, the topless devil who for once had been in decent mood.
" hello", Tarv said, "what do you want?", he asked.
Iral didn't answer, " just looking around", he grinned, clearly somehow very irritated, " the lord told me to do so", he said.
Tarv nodded. Hrmn. He didn't want to mess with Satanarch, on the other hand, he really didn't want the Baron wandering in his house whenever he felt like it.
"Is Zachary still here?", the Baron asked, drumming his fingers against the armlean.
" yeah", Tarv said, heading off to avoid more questions.
Somehow, if someone asked, he should be proud of having seduced an angel. That was pretty big.
One the other hand, he felt slightly humiliated because deep down he knew that he wasn't the one controlling the angel.
Almost the other way around, actually.
He stopped in the kitchen, picking some food up and headed back to his bedroom.
He stuck his head into the livingroom if the Baron still was there, but it didn't seem so.
He was probably sneaking around somewhere.
Tarv didn't bother look for him and got back into the room, where the angel still was laying tiredly.
" breakfast", Tarv announced, crawling onto the bed.
"Hrmn", the angel looked up at him, then at the food and reached out for the mug of coffee, sitting slightly up.
Tarv stared at the man, who was just wrapped into his sheets.
He looked good...
The Devil paused his actions, then reached out to get some food.
" so, how did you think it was? ", Tarv asked with a smile,
The angel looked at him tiredly, then back at hig mug.
... what did that mean? Bad? Underwelming? Boring? Dissapointing...?
Tarv stuffed his mouth with food in order to keep in a snapping 'what is that supposed to mean?'
As the angel had emptied his cup, which took a while, he put it back, " good", he said, then took a sandwich and began eating.
Tarv paused again. What? Good?
" that's... you liked it then?", Tarv asked.
Zachary nodded.
Tarv smiled, well, that was good, " I'm glad that's so", he smiled, but changed to a surprised expression as Zachary leaned over, kissing his cheek tiredly.
" hrmn", he just got in response, and the angel continued to eat.
Well then.
Tarv stared at him for a short bit, then returned to eat as well.
" is it something we should do again then~?", he asked with a smirk,
The angel looked at him for a while, then nodded, leaving the devil once more sure of that he was quite foolish himself.
He was still stunned over the angels boldness, somehow he'd imagine an angel either blush and say no, or say no in a proud and disgusted way.
Not a simple nod like he had asked him something about favorite colors.
As Tarv finished, getting back up from the bed to get some other clothing on.
the angel looked at him, then got up as well, taking his shirt up and took it on, " so", Zachary said, looking at Tarv, sho looked back, " what should i call you?", he asked,
Tarv looked a bit puzzled, " what do you mean?", he asked,
"what i should call you? Else i'm just going with boyfriend", she said, stuffing his shirt into his pants.
Tarv paused, looking at him, " what?", he asked again.
" well we slept together. i'm not sure what you think but i think i at least should label you something"; Zachary said, " or am i wrong?",

Tarv shook his head, before thinking that through, but he didn't really mind that. Not at all, as a matter of fact.
Devils weren't that quickly attached in the same way. To be honest he hadn't expected that, but Zachary was neither naive nor stupid, so he didn't think it was something that had just suddenly popped into his mind.
He didn't know what they were, so boyfriend was fine, he supposed. As long as the Angel was there to let him see that glow.
" Boyfriend", Tarv repeated with a smile playing over his lips.
" i can use 'partner' if you like that better", Zachary said.
" it's alright", Tarv grinned, " whatever you like", he said.
Zachary took the things up, " i'll go out to the kitchen with it", he said,
Tarv paused, " no, let me, Iral is maybe out there" he said, walking over and took the tray.
Zachary nodded, looking at him and sat back on the bed, " alright", he said, " i'm going to talk to Metatron", he said, closing his eyes.
Tarv nodded, heading out of the room and down to the kitchen. He could see from the conor of his eyes Iral snooping into a vase, making him lift an eyebrow. What was he doing?
He pretended not to see the devil sneak around and check his livingroom.
Did he still believe he had the scepter? was Satanarch that desperate?
He shrugged, heading back to the room of his, seeing Iral dissapear.
How blind did they think he was? on the other hand, he was used to being underrated by other devils.
He opened the door, walking in and closed it behind him, then stuffed the keyhole with some tissue.
Zachary was floating, his eyes shining like last time.
Tarv patiently waited sitting onto the bed.
He then moved over, curiously touching Zachary's back, feeling for wings. Of course he knew there was none, but he remembered hearing that from a tale.
Zachary didn't speak to him, not actually seemed to pay any attention to him.
The devil then moved up, looking for a halo or something shiny.
Huh. Well, he could always asked Zachary later.
" what are you doing?", Zachary asked tiredly, still in contact with Metatron it seemed, still not moving his head.
" oh, erh, just looking if you had wings or something", Tarv said, taking his hands back to himself.
" i guess i would have space to hide them under my shirt", the angel said logically.
Tarv nodded " yeah", he said.
There went some time before it seemed like Zachary was done, landing back on the bed.
Tarv wrapped his arms around the angels waist, for no particular reason.
"So what did you and God talk about?", Tarv asked.
" hrmn, nothing special", Zachary said, leaning back.
Tarn moved a hand into his hair, brushing it gently back.
" i see", Tarv said, smiling and kissed his jaw.
" is Iral still here?", Zachary asked.
Tarv shrugged, leaning his head against the angels shoulder,
" i don't know", he said.
Zachary decided he didn't have to check immediately, he could sit here with Tarv a bit.

Zachary & Tarv (boyXboy)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant