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"I'm going back", Zachary said, getting up.
Tarv looked confused at him, " what, why?", he asked. They sat by the dinner table, eating.
" i want to know when i can go back", he said.
Tarv looked at him, " oh", he said. Yeah, he probably should that.
"i'll be back in an by latest tomorrow", Zachary said. The devil nodded. Oh, so he was coming back then?
" have a good trip", Tarv said, looking as the angel took his jacket on and headed out of the room.
Tarv smiled, finishing his meal and asked a servant to clean the rest.

Zachary stood in a big hall. In the middle of it, was a person sitting. They were a bit fragile looking, wearing an angelic uniform on that looked more like a robe. They didn't look intimidating or anything, rather highclass though. Their skin color was a warm light brown and their hair fell in small waves down around their face.
Their head was surrounded by a warm glow, the so-called halo.
" hello Zacharyias", they said as the angel walked up to them,
Zachary bowed his head, "Metatron", he just mumbled as a greeting, " when can i return to heaven?", he asked straight away.
" thou art returned", Metatron noted.
Zacharias looked at him tiredly,
" but yes", Metatron said, " We think thou can come back soon", they said, pulling the conor of their mouth up into a half smile. That was how they did it, it didn't fall Metatron natural to smile.
Zachary cleared his throat looking at him, " about my stay in hell right now-"
" yes. Very unfourtunate", Metatron said, " It did not go very well".
Zacharias nodded, looking at the most powerful angel.
" We talked about it", Metatron said, " We both agree that thou art in need and that thou did a good job last", he said, " We talked about accepting such behavior from thee due to thine job", Metatron said.
Zachary stared at him. Alright, he wasn't sure he had expected that, " why?", he asked.
" well", Metatron said, " someone is after the scepter and since we do not want that to happen, we art ready to be flexable. Especially with our best angel for this ", they said.
Zachary sighed, " really?", he groaned, " i just returned it", he said,
Metatron did the 'smile' thing, " yes. hmn. Someone keeps trying to take it", Metatron said, " but that is off the topic. Thou art wecome in heaven soon and sinning is fine when for necessary job purpose. Or in some orther cases", they said.
Zachary nodded, bowing his head. He always seemed to get some special treatment, but he probably also had the worst job of all the angels.
" when is soon?", Zachary asked,
" soon", Metatron said. That did not make Zachary any more wise on that subject.
" i see", Zachary said, " what about the scepter?",
"We hid it", Metatron just answered. It wouldn't help to ask where.
Zachary looked at Metatron. He wondered what happened if he sinned to much.
" of course, even if thou art out of heaven, thou still work here. We appreciate thine talent very much and we still love thee", Metatron smiled.
Metatron, God and angels generally used the word love more frequently as it rarely meant romantically. Zachary didn't really use it though.
" Thou art staying at Tarv, i heard", Metatron said, clearing their throat, after a while in silence.
" yes", Zachary nodded, " i am",
" Thou know, that might not be a good idea", Metatron noted, " thou know devils are tempting and thou art not...", he paused.
"i'm not very pure", Zachary finished.
Metatron nodded, "indeed", he said,
" you don't really care, do you?", Zachary asked tiredly.
"we art a bit sceptical-", Metatron sad,
" i am probably the only angel who wants to go into hell and collect the things you loose", Zachary interrupted, " i have never thought about being corrupted, destroying heaven nor god. I am possibly the most trusted angel except from yourself", he said,
" - but Zacharyias, thou must understand-",
" Satan offered me that i could be a devil, by the way", Zachary said tiredly, yet seriously, rubbing his hair,
"- i am completely sure that we can arrange something", Metatron smiled quickly, looked like they had changed their mind, " besides, Tarv is not that bad, is he?", they mumbled.
Zachary wasn't being serious, but he knew he was important to god.
After all, he had taken the absolutely worst job ever.
" no", Zachary confirmed.
" how enjoyable", Metatron said and nodded.
Zachary was in a good position. He never asked of anything, never once had shown any sign of contradiction. That had to be the main part of why God let him.
"thank you", Zachary said, bowing his head. He wanted to show he was grateful.
Metatron sighed, " art we going soft? we art definetly going soft", they mumbled to himself, rubbing his face.
" i will head back", Zachary said, looking at Metatron.
The angel looked up and nodded, " good, good", they said, " Thou art welcome to come back here. Thou know we art thankful for thine help", he said.
Zachary nodded, " you are welcome", he smiled slightly, earning the half smile from Metatron again." We will see thou soon Zacharyias ", Metatron said after him.
Zachary turned he other way, heading off.
He could have of coursed talked to Metatron otherwise, but he felt it was easier to convice the angel when looking st his face.
Besides he wanted to breathe in some of the clean air from heaven.
He felt refreshed when coming here once in a while.

On his way down in hell, Zachary sighed tiredly. Someone was really serious about getting that scepter.
It made sense though, it could make anyone powerful, like God. That was probably totally not why it was God's, he muttered sarcastically to himself.
As he remembered, it was something about being able to write even rewrite history.
The hard part was just to find it and understand how to use it.
Of course God knew how to use his strange and dangerous toys, but when Zachary had been sent out to get it, he had gotten the message of look firstly for the scepter with a heavenly glow, like all things from heaven.
Metatron had said it tended to shapeshift.
How practical...
Luckily it had been a scepter when he had found it, so it was no trouble, but he knew that such creation only possibly could mean trouble.
Especially since someone had been able to sneak into heaven and tried stealing it.
Zachary thought it was stupid to make such scepter, but it was probably easier for God placed some of his powers into a material thing.
Zachary still wondered how anyone had been able to take it.
Maybe an angel had taken it?
He groaned, ruffling his hair. Vacation. He had vacation and he intended to enjoy it.

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