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Sorry this update took forever

Jason's pov:

I really wanted to know what that substance was but I guess it was made to keep herself protected. I know she has family but why haven't I seen anything about her. I clicked on the tv.

" There is still no word about the veterinarian Savanna Darno, as she was last seen at a get together and her workers, family, friends, and Co workers have been all looking for her. As of for the other stories about Ms.Darno it is very quite rare to be kidnapped 3 times in a row by different people but we all are keeping her in our prayers. Back to you John. "

' Haha dumbass. She is a well known vet. What vet has that type of warehouse.'
"I didn't know what her occupation was"
'You have files on her and you read it. I see this medicine kind of messed up your cognitive part of the brain.'
"Yeah, yeah. Just help me get better so I can find her because it's just a feeling about her. I'm not saying she's my mate because I don't know her personal things that she likes."
'But I know I'm getting happy every time I see that picture and so do you.'

I look down and hear a knock on the door. "Hey Jason."
"Yes ma'am."
"I came to check up on you."
"I'm fine but I'm about to get up and go to the kitchen and after that have that meeting."
"No you're staying in bed."
I lean over the bed and get up. I slowly walk past my mom and into the kitchen, "Good morning everyone."

"Some one is in a happy mood today. What did you say to him mom."

Ryder calls my mom, mom because his mother died after she gave birth to him. His dad went rogue because he found out and since his wife died he blamed it on Ryder. Before he left his father gave him a scar across his back and my dad and his father fought each other. We knew we weren't biological brothers because Ryder nose was a little smaller than everyone else's. Everyone knew not to bring up the topic of his father or mother because we didn't really know how to discuss it. "Yeah no I can't be in a happy mood."
" Yeah but that emotional break through you had last night was over the top."
"Awe shut up. So who's gonna cook for me?"

It had gotten real quiet. "Well I'm going to cook for myself." I went to make me an omelet when my mother interrupted me and said, "I don't want you to burn down my house so I'll cook the omelet."

"I'm gonna learn one day."
"When you get your mate. You guys can cook on your side of the house and resume from that."

I just walked into the living room and said, "Thanks ma."

"So how are you holding up." Ryder says as he plop down on the sofa.
"I'm fine, see." I stand up and walk around the table.
"Kind of staggering bud. But can I try something right quick."
"What is it first?"
"I'm going to look at you with my eyes."
"Wolf eyes?"
"Yes." he switch eyes and hurry and put them back.
"So what did you see?"
"Man you need to find her quick because your wolf head was down or hurry with these doctors. He was very sick like laying down sick."
"What are you talking about, I was just talking to him. He can't be. You see I'm up and happy."
"Mom," Ryder yelled and ran towards the kitchen. I tried to listen but my senses weren't working. Everybody ran in around me.
"Come on sweetie." My mom says.
"Since we have this your brother is going to help himself as he train to become the next Alpha in line since you're under the weather."
"What the fuck dad, come on he isn't in the good condition to be Alpha. I am, at least pick Ryder."
"Son you know the next Alpha in line suppose to have alpha blood in them." Everyone except me and mom turned to look at Ryder.
"He counts as your son too and he think like me kind of, so why can't he have the fucking position for now?"
"Jason, calm down honey. You're eyes are red." my mom exclaimed.
"No, I will not because dad is being unreasonable."
"Jason, calm down man. You're brother is following in your footsteps. He can take it, I'm fine being beta. I can take care of my best bud and still be able to find your mate-to-be and find mines. So chill."

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