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To rewrite or not to rewrite...
That is the question


Steve's POV

I gave a sigh as I looked outside the window from my kitchen, an unexpected storm rumbled outside. Aside from the ones that came every so often, this was heavier than anything I could recall seeing. Not that I was too keen on getting wet from the rain or anything, it was a fast track to boredom as I shook my head and continued making some tea. It was alright though, I had picked up some books from a recent village haul.

"Hm... maybe a day or two...," I muttered aloud, jumping slightly at the thunder before lightning lit up the sky. "Three...at most" I decided, taking my cup with me towards the living room.

An hour later

It was an hour after sundown at night and the storm was still raging outside. I jumped at the loud boom from outside, cursing as I wrote it off as aggressive thunder but couldn't help but yell as something crashed into my door, nearly breaking it off its hinges as a muffled groan came from outside.

In a hurry I had gotten up and opened my door, gasping at the man kneeling on my porch, struggling to stand up.

"Shit was that a charged creeper?! Here, let's get you fixed up" I offered, bending down to help him up as he gave a harsh gasp.

It took some effort but I managed to help him in the house and onto my couch before racing upstairs to get a first-aid kit. As I came back downstairs, He was already trying to stand back up.

"Wait! Don't do that! You'll hurt yourself more" I called out as I went over to him and immediately getting to work-apologizing every time he hissed in pain. There was a large gash on his left arm and with some persuasion, I was able to help clean it.

"Can you move it at all?" I asked-now wrapping it up. The man had his head back as his eyes were gently closed, just as before. I found that odd, no matter what he hadn't opened them.

"A bit...it hurts when I do" His deep voice sent shivers down my back. That was the first time he spoke too.

"Well, I don't have a spare room but uh... you can sleep in mine until the storm blows over! I could take the couch" I shrugged, cleaning up the slight mess.

"It's your house though" He chuckled, I smiled at that.

"You're the one injured though, I'd feel bad... I'm Steve by the way" I had stood up to put the first aid kit back in the bathroom upstairs when he grabbed my wrist, as I looked back at him my breath caught in my throat as I felt my heart skip a beat. Yet only a vague sense of familiarity ran through me. Not fear as I recalled the legends I read of him.


His white eyes looked in me with something similar to hope as though he was searching me. Yet he timidly let go of my wrist as he smiled suddenly.

"Sorry...er I just uh...Old friend.. really old, his name was Steve... I've been locked away so long...I forgot humans aged..." He chuckled, I laughed a bit nervously as I shook my head.

"Sorry to disappoint, I hope you don't mind" I joked, Herobrine had laughed as he seemed to try to hide his smile.

"No no..., You're plenty..." I tilted my head as he had actually covered his face, the smile that managed to warm me still present.

"How did you ever manage to get injured?" Herobrine perked up as he looked at me and then down to his bandaged left arm.

"Oh I was ambushed, I'll deal with them in due time..." He cleared his throat as he stood up from the couch.

SteveXHerobrine (Boyxboy)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ