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Steve's POV

My nerves racked as my mind raced while I watched Notch in his office frantically searching through files as they popped up around the massive room.

"This doesn't make any sense! He should've been limited to the void and-!" Notch gave an exasperated yell of frustration while flailing his hands around in confusion and placed them on his hips.

"His file is nowhere! NOWHERE, " He yelled out.

"Maybe you're not as good at filing as you thought," Herobrine shrugged, taking his time looking through his own set of transparent yellow screens from the lounge chair he claimed.

"I have everything in alphabetical order! There is no reason for his file not to be where it should be!" Notch cried out.

"Who?" Entity asked, his mismatched eyes scanning the room.

"The Wither," I filled in, giving him a pat on his shoulders. However, he simply looked confused.

"He is here," both Notch and Herobrine looked up, one in relief the other more or less frantic.

"Where?!" Notch dashed over, pulling these files that were floating around us closer so he could take a look at them.

"Here," Entity said again. This time, he simply pointed up.

"What?" Herobrine asked, looking up to the massive ceiling.

"Entity this is no time for games... This is of great importance, " Notch sighed as he held his fingers to his temples and sighed with a shake of his head.

"What is 'game'?" I stifled a chuckle by coughing into the back of my hand. Notch gave a groan of frustration as we went back to the files, desperately searching and typing. Herobrine was simply insulting his brother as the two continued while curiosity peaked me.

"So... The Wither is here?" I asked, Entity blinked at me as I jumped to how he changed once again. This time, full red eyes and a voided face. He wore a white suit with a hood.

"Yes," He nodded.

"How is that?" I asked.

"I know all who inhabit this world," Entity bowed to me this time, bringing flashbacks to when he had done the same on his first fight with Herobrine. " The Wither; in charge of the void and furthering souls to their final resting place... Guilt of his crime and exiled to the Void but is in the Aether"

The room was still as the two gods had stopped bickering and looked over to him. Entity 303 simply stood, eyes on me as if waiting for more questions.

"Where is the Wither... exactly" Notch asked. Entity looked over and only snapped his fingers as we all teleported to the courtyard. I had blinked away the surprise from being exposed to the sun so suddenly.

"Here," Entity said, pointing upwards once again. I shielded my eyes as I looked up, trying to see what could possibly be there.

"I'm gonna assume with how the clouds are forming that you didn't schedule rain today..." Herobrine said with a sigh.

"I did not..." Notch confirmed. The wind began to pick up, and Notch had gone to order an emergency order for all beings in the realm while Entity kept his eyes upwards, and slowly, he had begun walking forward before stopping right before the Maiden statue in the courtyard.

The wind was aggressive now as rain suddenly began pelting us. It was useless trying to call for him as he either didn't hear me...or ignored me.

"Steve, no!" Herobrine grabbed hold of me from running after Entity.

"Entity! It's too dangerous out there!" I screamed from Herobrine's hold, for once I struggled to get out of reach from him.

The sky had a horrendous red hue as the Wither formed in the sky, and  black eyes glowed with the intent to kill.

Entity had looked over to us, hope filled me as I wanted him to return inside more than anything, I had found a friend in this confusing stranger. Yet he only gave me a thumbs up. 

"I protect Steve." The tremor left as he jumped straight up, which was nearly enough to knock me over if it wasn't for Herobrine picking me up.

"What the fuck is he doing now?!" Herobrine roared out, as Entity disappeared into the dark clouds there was a bright purple light from inside. There was an explosion, and the anguish that the Wither roared out was deafening. Notch had returned just in time to protect us from the projectiles headed straight towards us.

"Ender! Take Steve inside and keep him safe!" I cried out in protest as I was handed off to the king of all dragons.

"No!" Just before Ender could follow orders, there was a more blinding light, and then... silence.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2023 ⏰

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