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Now now children gather round....It's story time!

Herobrine's POV

"I remember like it was yesterday. How my brother had finished naming all the possible types of blocks, animals, and flowers.

I remember how tired he sounded when he called me into his diamond sector, it was called diamond wing back then. How he explained everything to me as well-he was so proud with himself. He told me that I was allowed to make an a addition to the naked land, that was when I introduced my monsters.

" 'So...the green one is called a Creeper?' " Notch asked me, with a smile I nodded my head, quite proud of myself with all of them.

" 'Yes and when it explodes it drops gunpowder!' " I said, making sure to get rid of it. Notch nodded, standing up and giving me a warm smile.

" 'Ok, I agree, although I have a proposition...Your mobs will spawn at night and roam around as much as they please. In the day, they vanish and allow my crafters to roam without having to defend themselves' " I tilted my head at him" I took a breath and looked at Steve. He gave me a small smile, I gave one back, ruffling his hair with my left hand while my right held his.

"I asked him...

" 'What's a crafter?' " As an answer he snapped his fingers, that's when I seen one well the first ten...Back then there was a default name. Each crafter was named Steve, the only way to tell them apart were by their eyes. There were blue eyes, red eyes, green, yellow,...Purple! But then I seen you Steve...The brown eyed one I had said. You were different, when we locked gazes you...you winked at me" I stopped for a laugh.

" 'Each one has something that makes them unique Herobrine' " Notch said, making me look back at them.

" 'They look the same' " I whispered, throwing a glance back at you, but you had walked up to me and actually hugged me, tugging on my shirt when Notch wasn't paying attention.

" 'I guess that one likes hugs...I thought that'd be the one with orange eyes' " Notch said walking out the room with each Steve behind him...except you though, you kissed me and from then on...I never felt the same, ...It was because of you-" Steve sat up and in the faintest light of the moon I seen a blush.

"I made you insane?" He asked.

"Not in the way that's in books" I filled in, clearing my throat when he laid back down.

"I had to see you again-mind you, this is a week after you kissed me-I went to your home, for a first time crafter it wasn't horrible. Almost like this one but a tad smaller, anyway, when you opened the door and smiled at me, that's when I first felt a spark of human emotions.

" 'What may I help you with big and bad Herobrine' " You said, allowing me into your home. My head told me to give you something but coming empty handed I gave you a kiss, and I guess that started all of this..." I sighed, looking down into those same brown eyes from long ago.

"We had sex that night..." Steve laughed and lightly kissed my jaw.

"Our first time?" He questioned, a knowing sneer in his tone.

"Our first time" I confirmed.

"What made you go nuts?"

"I don't know...I didn't go corrupted since I remember this...but maybe Notch can tell you that...Anyway, I started losing my sanity a month later of secretly dating you...and when Notch found out, he...he took you away from me-That...that was when I lost it, I...I brought hatred, greed, and treachery to the rest, destroyed so many things...but then he banished me to the Nether-a day after he made it too-" I jumped in surprise when I felt lips on mine, halting my story. But with this kiss, I didn't ever want to part away from him. Hell I'd rather fall asleep while kissing him.

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