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Yo, it's been awhile huh?


Steve's POV

When I came to in the morning I was tucked safely in the confines of Herobrine's embrace as he snored peacefully from above me. I tried wiggling myself out of his hold to go to the bathroom yet he only tightened his grip with a slight groan.

"Herobrine..." I gently shook his arm that was around my waist. He only groaned again in response, now wrapping his other arm around me.

"I gotta...use the bathroom!" I stifled a laugh as he began nuzzling the crook of my neck.

"Mmm...No" Herobrine muttered, his hold on me still as firm as before.

"Please?!" I whined, Herobrine let me go with a kiss of his teeth as I made a mad dash to relieve myself. After washing my hands I peaked out the bathroom door, cocking my head to see Herobrine sitting upright on the bed. Nearly glaring at me.

"Come here Stevie" With slight caution I did just that, going as far as to try cuddling with him again yet my face flushed heavily when he hovered over me.

"Hero.... Herobrine?!" I stuttered out, my hands flat on his chest as he growled lowly at me.

"Seems as though I didn't do as much damage as I thought.... Let's fix that hmm?" His reply was coy and a shiver went down my spine, yet before I could reply he pressed his lips against mine. Successfully holding me down.

Could he truly be that dedicated?!

Herobrine's POV

It wasn't long before Steve started responding positively to my advances. Wrapping his legs around my waist and moaning softly in the back of his throat made me crazy.

"Herobrine stop..." Steve whined as I kissed down to his neck. At that I growled, nibbling at his neck and shivering when he wrapped his arms around my shoulders.

"Is that what you really want Steve?," I asked breathless against him. My fingers teasing his inner thighs. "Cause I'll stop....and I'll leave you wanting, waiting for more..."

"No...not...not that"" He whispered stuttering slightly, I smirked as I kissed him again. Longer this time.

"Then tell me... what can I do to you...? Hm?" Steve moaned softly this time as I teased his length, soaking in each and every sound I managed to pull from him.

"Make it so I can't walk....just like you wanted...!" I shivered heavily at that. Of all the things I expected him to ask for, that wasn't even on the list. He couldn't take that much, not so soon at least.

But hell, if he wanted to try, then I'll be damned to deny him anything.

"With pleasure" I chuckled as I wiggled my eyebrows at him. Fixing myself between his legs to press my dick against his puckered hole.

"Last chance Stevie" I warned, snapping my fingers as I summoned a bottle of lube, coating my dick with it.

"Hurry before I change my mind" Steve chuckled, his arms laid lax above his head and I could only chuckle darkly to how bold he became with just that.

"Don't say I didn't warn you"

At first I took it slow, allowing him time to adjust before keeping a moderate pace. Yet his face was so memorizing and his cute moans! It easily turned ballistic to just watching him be washed over in pleasure that only I would be able to give him.

SteveXHerobrine (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now