Chapter Three

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Chapter Three - Getting Hunter's Number

"Sam, I'm tellin' you, my mama is just trying to get on my nerves! Why else would she agree to me doin' that dumb ass club? I swear I can't stand her sometimes." I rolled my eyes, venting to Samantha—who looked like she was tired of me complaining.

All she did was complain about how her boyfriend wasn't giving her enough time of the day, so I could care less if I was talking too much. It got tiring listening to her talk about her relationship that was hanging on by a thread. I told her not to mess with that guy anyway, but she didn't listen to me. You could never make a person do anything; they did it on their on terms or didn't do it at all. I never complained to her about it, so the least she could do is spare me and listen to me talk.

"Girl, maybe you're over exaggerating it just a lil bit." She drifted her index finger to her thumb, leaving a small space between them.

"Over exaggerating!?" I cocked my head to the side, giving her a 'bitch what' look. "I'm not over exaggerating."

We stopped at the end of the hallway, where my locker was located. I opened my locker after getting the combination wrong at least once. It always took me more than one try to open my locker, even though I had been doing this since middle school. I was still waiting for her to explain why I was making a big deal out of this situation. I put my books in my backpack—not that I paid attention in class. Having the points of bringing my book was enough to keep my grades at a C average. We got points for bringing our books to class and not forgetting them. It was five points, but imagine getting five points deducted each day of the school week. That was basically the same grade as a small homework assignment.

"NaNa, yes you are. This can be a good thing for you, but you're just making a big deal out of nothing." She shrugged her shoulders, her blonde curls bouncing lightly.

"How can this be a good thing?" I narrowed my eyes, closing my locker.

She didn't back up her argument enough. I needed enough reasons to convince myself that it was a good thing.

"Give me three reasons." I held up three fingers and she nodded her head.

"First of all, you don't have to go to detention for the rest of this semester. Detention in this school is for two hours and you'll never be able to do anything if you're stuck in detention all day. Girl, you'd be missing parties, hanging out at The Cave, and it'll be on your record. At least The Buddy Club won't show up on your record that follows you through life because it's not bad!"

"Second, it'll be good for you to tell your problems to a complete stranger. Before you say anything, they'll get in major trouble if they tell your problems, so you wouldn't have to worry about anyone telling anything. Once you talk about things you start to feel better."

"And thirdly—wait, what's your Buddy's name again?" Her words were so rushed that she had to take a deep breath from talking too fast.

"Um, Hunter, why?" I started walking again and she followed, her footsteps in perfect sync with mine.

"Hunter, Hunter." She mumbled to herself, clicking her fingers.

"Sam, what are you doin'?" I shook my head.

"Is he a tall guy? Tan skin and brown hair?"

"Yeah, why hoe? You still didn't answer my question." I groaned, chuckling.

"That's the freakin' third reason! Hunter is your Buddy!" She exclaimed and I had to pinch her to quiet her down because people were starting to look.

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