Chapter 1 : Introduction

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Elly's P.O.V

Rain pelted onto the school grounds as lightning filled the grey-scaled skies.
"Look, I don't think this is such a good idea."
"Whaaaat?!? Farah,are you being a scaredy cat?",teased Rebecca.
"No,I just don't think its safe.Who knows what could happen...".
There we are all sitting in the library having a little fun after the Culture Festival. Everyone was exhausted from cleaning up and sooner or later a storm came through.We dozed off to the library to wait for the storm to pass and here's where we ended up.
Chloe interrupts,"Are you being a mom again?"
"Oiiiii!!! What's wrong with being cautio-".
"Oh could you give it a rest?!? GOOD GRIEF GUYS!!!",said Eli with a slight tinge of annoyance in his voice.
The whole room went silent.Jeez, those three always give Eli nothing but irritation.Eli went back to playing video games with Ethan and Leon and the other three went back to their never ending quarrel.I sat there, enjoying the funny atmosphere. I turned to the window and gazed at the gloomy skies and admired the lightning dashing across the skies as if it was a light show.As my senses dull from reality-
Anastasia then jumps from behind and rolls over the floor as her face turns red.Grabbing onto her hips as if it was that hilarious.I stood there in annoyance and irritation.I mumbled to myself,"Im so going to kill".
Good grief.She never gets tired of scaring me ,eh?
That's what friends do, i guess.
"Well,yeah...Me and Sahira are going to a new school.Sorry to break it to you dude.I know it's a little unexpected.Plus its not like we'll never see you again."
I then interrupt,"Cmon Alanis.You still have me.Besides. Maybe one day,all of us can get together and do something fun."
"Yeah! Cmon its not that bad!",Sahira cheered.
"BUT STILL!!!..I really will miss you guys..." ,sulked Alanis.Tears swelled up in their eyes and started to sob.
Both Doris and Sahira walked towards her and gave a big, warm hug.
"Not to be rude but that's gay".
I litteraly punched Akanksha's arm right after she said it.
"What the hell is wrong with you,man?ITS REALLY NOT THE TIME.",I said with a slight tinge of annoyance.
"Just shut up you dumbass."
Chloe,Farah all gathered around.
The atmosphere just changed in an instant.It was lively and heart-warming.Feels like all of us had a wonderful connection with each other.It really is upsetting that we're losing not one but two of our own.
"Hey guys. I think its best for all of us that we all go home.The work is done and its 6.30.We might never get out of the school ya kno-"
Rebecca then interrupts,"Hey since Doris and Sahira are leaving,Lets try this charm."
Anastasia and I then asked,"What charm?"
"Well,Its called 'Sachiko Ever After'.Its basically a charm that even if some of us go their seperate ways,we will always still be friends.No matter what.Its like the connection will never break.".
"Hey that sounds pretty sket-"
Chloe,Farah and Cassandra then interrupted Eli.
"We're In!!!".
"Us too.",cheered Leon and Ethan.
But I had a bad feeling about this.
Anastasia felt the same way.
I get that even though i tried the 'Charlie Charlie Challenge' twice,
nothing really happened to me.
But a charm? Sounds pretty sketchy to me.
(Anastasia then nudges me)
"Hey dude,i don't think we should do this plus we don't even know what could happen.But still.Lets give it a shot".
I agreed with her but I still feel a little uneasy.
Rebels(Aka Rebecca)then takes out a paper doll.
"Don't tell me that this is one of your occult things."
"Well it kinda is."
Chloe then grumbles.
"Okay now everyone grap a part of the paper doll.Anywhere will do.Just make sure you have a spot.Now everyone say 'Sachiko,We beg of you' nine times.'

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