Chapter 5 : The dead children

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Alanis' P.O.V

"Elly?!Elly!!!!!Damnit where is she?!',I said with a slight tinge of annoyance in my voice.I mean How the hell could she disappear just like that?We woke up and she was gone! Anastasia seemed clueless so we left the Infirmary in a rush.We looked in every hallway but to no avail.

"The hell did she go...",I mumbled to myself.I looked desperately for her.How could she leave us just like that?!

"Alanis!!! Isn't this Elly's phone?".I ran to Anastasia as soon as possible.Yep,this is the exact same phone."Hey..Yeah it is! This might be a sign that around here somewhere!!!".Though something did caught my eye.There was some door nearby that had many spiritual paper scraps on it.The door was nailed shut.Whatever was inside,they definitely didn't want people to know what was inside.We took Elly's phone along with us and continued to look for her.That door is still bugging me though...As if there is something really important in there that we have to see.We continued to walk through the dark corridors and sooner or later,we could see a shadow arising from the dimly lit corridor.".
Chloe's P.O.V

Farah and I have been wandering these barren hallways desperately for food.We have been out here for so long...Farah had fainted not to long ago out of dehydration.I'm starting to worry about us not being able to get out of this dreaded place.We saw many students ending their lives here.About 10 Minutes ago,there was a female student around 17 years old,dead and hanging from above.Swaying side by side with her face filled with pain and agony.She had a crumpled note in her hand saying,"I can't take this anymore...This place had drove me crazy...All my friends had died horrible deaths and now I'm alone...Mom...if your

R E A D i n G TH I S, I L o vE Y O u.".
Her words were a little jumbled up so that was what I could read...She really couldn't take it anymore.By the looks of her handwriting,she was on the verge of death when she wrote this. Farah had completely lost her mind already.She wants to go home and see her mother...It was painful to see her cry tears .I wanted to go home to...I miss my mom and dad so much...I couldn't take it anymore.I hate it here...So many...corpses...Many had died here a horrible death...I can't take it anymore.I hate it here...God save me...

That was when I had an idea.

We went to the Girls Room hand in hand,took some ropes that was left from that student,tied a noose around each others necks...we stood on the cubicle,hand in hand.
"Any regrets Farah?",I mumbled having tears swelling up in my eyes.

"Let's do this Chloe...",she said while sobbing.

We said a soft prayer for each other,our friends,and our beloved parents...And...


Elly's P.O.V

"C'moooon!!! Open already,DAMNIT!!!".Me and Eli were trying to open this door that was hammered shut.It read Principal's Office.We decided to look for a nail puller and came across a room,The Library.

"Hey Eli,can you look for the nail puller?There are some articles here that caught my eye.",he nodded in agreement.As I flipped through some scraps of paper,there were some articles that were in a folder and it read,Heavenly Host Elementary closed down.
As I read the articles,my heart stopped.

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