Chapter 8 : The remains of them

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Leon's P.O.V
The four of us then carried on to find the others while we still can.Alanis had just fainted out of exhaustion and now is being carried in piggy back style by me.She isn't too heavy honestly.Anyway,I like this girl.Goofy in a good way,really funny and can cheer people up easily.Okay fine! I admit it.I like her.A lot?I don't know...she just has this funny and heartwarming spark in her.As I look at her who was sleeping soundly made me blush.Thinking about how much I do like her just makes it even more obvious.I can't help it though.I mean carrying her piggy back style is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Wait. Who am I kidding?! Okay,okay lets not think about this anymore.This just makes me even more flattered.
(Omg just one quick note, IM SORRY scarletsunrose !!! I JUST HAD TO WRITE SOME ROMANCE ABOUT BOTH YOU AND LEON >~< I TRIED TO STAHP MYSELF BUT I CANT :3 Oh gawd please don't shove a wand up my ass like how Takanashi_Ayumi did >~< OKIEEEE BACK TO THE FREAKIN STORY)
Anastasia then walked infront of me and lead us to several different corridors.They were pitch black and had this really eerie silence which make my hairs stiffen up.But this corridor that we had stumbled upon to is gradually different.The air was stale and I felt some cold presense roaming there and the atmosphere seemed to have changed in an instant but we had no choice to go through because this is the only way.I seemed lost for some reason and why the hell is Anastasia taking the lead? She's my fucking Junior and I'm listening to some one year younger brat!? Well I'm too exhausted to walk up front.I have to carry this shit bag on my back piggy back style. I swear I called Alanis that in sarcasm.
"Hey guys...I don't feel good.My head feels like its splitting up...ugh..."
"Hey,Sahira stay strong,here lean on my shoulder,alright?"
"Hey Sahira,Anastasia c'mon! We gotta find the others!",I said.
The both of them then nodded in agreement and walked into the pitch black hallway.The air felt awfully heavy all of a sudden as I walked further into the depths of the darkened hallway.What the hell...It's getting even darker...and It's hard to see.Where the hell are the fucking windows in this place? As the hallway darkens,more sense of uneasiness piles even more within me.I started to doubt following my Junior brat. Damnit,i wish I had lead the way when I could.As I sunk myself deeply into my thoughts,a loud thud awoken me back to reality.
"Woah! What the hell is g-"
I stopped dead in my tracks.There in the floor lay several black infinite holes with most of the floorboards missing.I looked up then back down in confusion.Anastasia then signaled to us to walk slowly and carefully on the creaky floorboards.
Each floorboard I step on,the tension rises up.As I look down,a black abyss stood before me.What the hell?How far is this hole!?I have a really bad feeling that something is about to happen.I know something's coming up.I can feel it.My hairs stiffen up everytime I hear a creak from the floor.It somehow terrifies me.

"Oh no."

There we stumbled upon a huge endless pit in the floor, having a few loose boards leading towards the other side.I knew this was coming.
" you think this is safe for all of us to pass? These boards look really sketchy to me",mumbled Anastasia.
"It would be possible if one by one goes."
This is bad.

Should we turn back?

Doris' P.O.V
I've been walking through the empty hallway for hours and found nothing.Not even a single living soul.I felt like a lost kitten down the road that roamed the streets.I just wondered,how long is this hallway?I soon started to see a right turn at the end of this corridor.
Once I reached my destination, it then lead to several rooms.
The rooms read;
Nurse's Office,Science Lab,Class 2-A'
Out of the blue ,I stared into the glass window that sat across the hallway in confusion.I wondered and ask myself,how did I get into this mess?
How am I here?
Why am I here?
The only answer that I could think off was that Rebecca had did all this.But I can't blame her,not just for everything...
I mean,she was the one who came up with the charm...Wait this whole thing isn't her fault...
Without thinking, I wandered into the Science Lab.I started to think about where my other friends are,Alanis,Sahira,even Leon.I haven't told him about my feelings yet.I hope he's fine.
"Well you're right about one thing."
"What the!?"
A high school student at an age of 18 appeared right before me.It somehow shocked me yet felt relieved but uneasy at the same time.
"Wh-who are you?I-I'm you a trapped student as well in this school?"
"Well I was.I died here not too long ago...And my name is Kou.Nice too meet you,it's been a while since I've seen someone..."
"Wait,Are you that famous occult person who investigated many mysteries and paranormal activity at certain deserted areas and blogged about them online? Are you Investigator Kou Shinuzaki!?"
"Well...Yes I am.Are you an avid reader of my blog?"
"Yes!Yes I am! And since you did that Sachiko Ever After charm,you went missing...I was worried about your whereabouts..Wait...Back to the real situation. What do you mean that 'I was right about one thing'?"
She then cleared her throat and adjusted her collar.
"Well,sorry I read your mind but You did the Sachiko Ever After charm right? Throughout my discovery here when I was still alive,I have found out many hidden secrets behind this charm.
Well, let's talk about the charm and why it brought you here.Well you know how everyone has to chant 'Sachiko we beg of you' nine times each per participant right? It seems as to that One of you had thought the whole thing was a fake and didn't even bother to chant.And why you all were brought here?Well,according to one of your schoolmates stupid and foolish act,his actions angered the spirit Sachiko Shinozaki.This school is possesed and made whole all by this vengeful 7 year-old.Long story short,she and her mother died in this god forsaken school.And well, the charm acts as an offering for the spirit but if you mess the offering up, it's really obvious that the spirit would be angered.So in anger,she brought you to this school.Further more,she and three other students murder innocent souls of the living that were brought here as offerings to Sachiko's Dead Mother.The mother was a nurse for this school before she was murdered here and she loves children so thats why Sachiko has been killing innocent people."
(Doris gulps and looked back at the investigator in horror)
"So that means..."
"Yes,one of your schoolmates is at fault."
"And whoever this is a he?!"
"I-Is there a way out!?"
"Yes,there is.You need to gather all the remaining alive students and re-do the charm all over again.You must stick your paper scraps together and chant 'Sachiko we beg of you' once for every participant and one more time for Sachiko.However.Using one's paperscrap that isn't theirs will not return to their homeworld and will be left.
Well here's chapter 8 bruhs :3 Im really sorry that I took so long to update,its just that I've been busy about preparing for a school concert that's taking place in next week.Anyways please enjoy this chapter >~<
If you would like to ask me some questions of any kind please do text me privately :3 Thankiew and see ya all real soon my fellow dino's~!

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