Chapter 7: ". . ." (Part 2)

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Eli's P.O.V
Tears come streaming down my face.
Why did she have to die?Why not me?
Negativity swirled in my mind.Over and over and over.
I knew at this point I was about to lose it,but I tried to endure it.
I screamed my lungs out.I continued to bang on the creaky,wooden floorboards with my bare fists.
I just couldn't tell the fact she's dead.
I got up and walked towards the bloody mess. The bloody mess was in red,crimson blood with human flesh and brain matter mixed in.Pieces of the fractured bones were also in it.As I looked at the meaty substance that splattered all over the wall and floor made me drop to my knees.Hot tears come streaming down my face even faster as I stared at what used to be the girl I've stuck with for an entire year.I've promised her that I'm not leaving this god forsaken place withouther.But she just had to die.We could've made it,together.Why did she have to die?

Alanis' P.O.V
While dragging my feet,I walked through the empty hallways.My mind was a blank.Anastasia tried kicking up a conversation but I had no intention on talking.
I just couldn't stop mourning over the fact that that selfish bitch let my little sister die.I couldn't at all find the heart to forgive Sarah.I wish Doris was here.Man I miss her.Where is she when I need her?
*panting in the background*
"Huh? What's that? Sounds like it's coming...closer?"
Anastasia then looked up and glanced into the empty hallway.
As I looked up,he soon bumped into me.

"I'm so lucky I found you guys.Man I got seriously scared!",relieved Leon.
I smiled in relief.I finally found another one of my friends...I'm really glad he's here.
"Hey guys?I can hear someone else running from that corridor...".Anastasia then pointed towards the corridor Leon came from.
Sahira then emerged from the shadows.
"SAHIRA!!?IS THAT REALLY YOU?!?",I shrieked.
"Who else would be,ding-dong?"
I ran towards Sahira and gave her a huge hug.
We both cried into each others shoulders.I started to feel relieved.I felt unbelievably happy.
"That's Soooo Gay",teased both Anastasia and Leon.
Oh well, I don't care.All I care about is that two of my closest friends are safe but Doris is still out in this forbidden school.
Doris,Where are you?
Farah's P.O.V
I sobbed drastically as I walked through the desolated hallways that reeked of that eerie silence.I couldn't talk at all.I was so thirsty.I've been wandering for hours.
Actually,I'm thinking about Chloe.She died just like that.All I could do was weep and mourn over her death.It was done and there's nothing I could do about it.I stopped in my tracks and sat down.I leaned against the wall and took out my phone.I then started to scroll at the pictures I had together with her.
Tears then started to roll down my face.It was a horrible sight.As I looked at the picture of us,her face was blurred,as if she never existed...
I threw my phone onto the ground.I got on my knees and screamed.
I knew I was about to lose it.
This place had driven me crazy.I couldn't take it anymore.As I cried,I got up and ran off into the dark corridor without even thinking of the consequences.But I didn't care.I couldn't even hold it in anymore.
This...This...god forsaken place...has...driven me crazy.
Why is this happening to me...?Why?!
Cassandra's P.O.V
"So what your saying is that,We need to re-do the ritual one more time in a proper manner to get out?"
"Yes.But you must please the vengeful spirit of Sachiko Shinozaki first in order to break down the walls of the closed spaces.Then you can perform the ritual.
Oh,I must tell you this,and this is the most important thing you ever need.You must have in possession the paper scrap you tore from the doll from the paper charm.And all the participants must have it in order for the charm to work."
"If we lose our paper scraps,couldn't we use another one that isn't ours?"
"I'm afraid that is not possible.You need to do the ritual with the people you came in with and with the exact same paper scraps.If you try to use one's paper scrap that isn't yours, then you will not be able to return home."
Rebecca then looked down.
"Cassandra, do you have your paper scrap? I do!"
"Yeah...I do.Don't worry about it."
That spirit then told us more about what we have to do during the ritual and some other things.I do miss the others...and especially Elly.
I really do hope she's safe.
I do miss her. And Akanksha as well.
Heya guys!!! Hope ya like the story so far!
This Chapter ain't over yet my dino's.But this next part shall be the last.
But, I have a question to ask of my readers.
Ready for it? Here ya gooo! ;
Should the Character Doris be found alive or dead?
Anywayyy..... that's all for todayyy :3 See ya my dino's!!!
Please do look forward to Chapter 7 (Part 3)

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