Chapter Three

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"Who did you tell?" Maddie shouts at me in the hallway.

"Who did I tell what?" I ask, I obviously knew what she was on about, I wrote it.

"About us at 11 and under?" Maddie screams.

"It's not like it wasn't common knowledge, it could've been anyone." I say.

"Whatever my reputation has barely been scratched, so if it was you then nice try." Maddie smirks.

"Maddie, hurry up." Kendall shouts and Maddie's face drops, was Maddie taking orders from Kendall?

"Like I said, barely scratched," Maddie mutters "coming, Ken."

When she left I decided to update 'Rumor has it':

This is just in Rumor has it, Maddie Ziegler is taking orders from her minion?

She was overheard talking to Chloe Lukasiak about yesterday's revelation, when Kendall Vertes was overheard ordering Ziegler to get a move on.

So is this it for our it-girl? One rumor regarding her and Lukasiak is all it takes for this high school queen to fall, grab your popcorn this is going to be good.

Rumor xxx.


"Is this true?" Paige asks me at lunch.

"Yes, I heard it in the hallway." I smile.

"Wow, no offence but I didn't realise being ex-best friends with you decreased popularity that much." Paige laughs.

"I didn't I was that bad." I joke.


"Who's that?" Paige asks.

"Someone has sent an anonymous tip to Rumor has it about Kendall." I smile. This was exciting, this meant people were actually interested in my site, which probably is good.

"Tell me!" Paige screams with excitement.

"Kendall is cheating on Zack with your brother." I say.

"What?! My brother dates Maddie, he's liked her since kindergarten he wouldn't cheat on her," Paige says defending her brother, to prove her wrong I show her the photo, "Oh my God! I'm gonna kill him!"

"I thought you hated Maddie?" I point out.

"But I love Josh." She says.

"At least let me put it on Rumor has it first," I ask "if you tell him before, people are going to think it's me."

"Fine." Paige sighs.


When I got home I log straight onto my laptop and open Rumor has it and begin my next article.

Hello again,
I didn't think I would talk to you again today, but I received some important news. Rumor has it Kendall is cheating. On both Zack and Maddie?!

>> photo inserted here <<

It turns out miss. Vertes is also dating Josh but Josh is dating Maddie and Kendall's dating Zack.

Sorry Maddie but it looks like you've lost your high status and your man. Maybe you should've checked your best friends history before you chose her over Lukasiak.

So who do you think Kendall will choose? Josh or Zack or Maddie? My money is on Josh.

Rumor xxx

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