Chapter Seven

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-Kendall's pov-

"I can't believe that bitch told!" I screamed to Kalani " I was nothing but nice to her, I followed her around like her biggest fan, kept her popular when I wanted to be the apple of everyone's eye, but she couldn't have her minion take her place on the higher arcie of high school."

"You could make up something." Kalani muttered.

"Like what?" I asked.

"Lies. Tell rumor has it and everyone will believe it." Kalani smiled.

"Not bad, I'm on to it now." I smiled, getting my phone out of my pocket and typed an email.

-Chloe's pov-


Hey rumor,

I have some great gossip for you. Maddie Ziegler has sexual relationships with two of her teachers. And they weren't both male.

KKV xoxo

"Paige, read this." I said showing Paige my phone.

"Write up that post now." Paige laughed.

"What's up?" Maddie smiled taking a seat next to Nia.

"Not much, but Paige and I have to go to the library, she's helping me with a piece of homework, bond with Nia and Jojo." I smiled standing up and walking away.

Tutor time?


This just in, rumor has it Maddie Ziegler is getting extra help, but not in the way we expect.

You think daddy could pay her way out of bad grades? Maddie needs some extra insurance.

Whatever you've heard about Maddie humping - I mean bumping up her grades couldn't be more true.

That's right it appears as if Maddie is getting straight A's in the bedroom department.

There's more to it than that is Maddie bi?

One of her teacher fiascos is a female. Not saying there is anything wrong with her being bi but I didn't expect this from M.


Rumor xxx

"I knew Maddie was bad but I wasn't expecting that." Paige laughed.

"It's probably a lie." I muttered

"Then why did you put it up?" Paige asked.

"Remember why I made that blog. We might look like besties, the forgiving friend and the train wreck, but I haven't forgiven her and I won't." I said.


"OMG!" Maddie shrieked

"Is it true?" Paige asked.

"No!" Maddie screamed "EW! As if I would fuck Mr Caplin!"

"Look Kalani, it's that bi-sexual slut!" Kendall gasped.

"Sex for grades? That's pathetic even for you." Kalani muttered.

"It was you wasn't it, K?" Maddie whispered.

"1. Only my friends call me K, 2. They ought to know the truth." Kendall smirked.

"But we all know it isn't the truth." Maddie shouted.

"Whatever you say, whore." Kendall laughed.

"Say that again and you're dead." Maddie screamed.

"Slutty whorey slut slut." Kendall smiled.

Maddie stormed straight toward Kendall and smacked her in the jaw, Kendall reached for Maddie's hair but missed.

After five full minutes of hair pulling and slut shaming, Mr Caplin taw the girls apart.

"Oh, look Maddie it's your boyfriend." Kendall teased.

"Oh, look Kendall it's all your boy friends." Maddie sasses pointing over to Josh, Zack and a crowd of their friends.

Cat fight

Today was a classic M vs. K fight. It took no other than Mr Caplin (which in case you didn't know is one of Maddie's 'lovers') to break the two girls apart.

The fight was over Kendall calling out Maddie for being a slut. And I know you are dying for my opinion, so here it is. Kendall, isn't calling Maddie a slut a tad hypocritical?

Whose side are you on, queen K or court jester M?


Just a small disclaimer, I don't condone calling people sluts or whores. But for the purpose of the chapter I did use those words. Sorry if you didn't like the use of them but I hope you understand I don't condone it and it had some sort of purpose :)

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