chapter 6

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Andy was looking at me so worried but i just started laughing and closed the door.."am so sorry Andy i didnt know you were in the bathroom"i said laughing "it's ok but why are you laughing?" "your face turned red and you look funny" i answered,"but you look cute when you blush you known that right?"he left up my chin making me see he's crystal blue eyes..I couldn't hold it no more i lean in and kissed him but he didn't responded so i pulled away and run to the bathroom "what's wrong with you bella he would never like you,Juliet is so much better then you" all that voices keeped playing in my head...i pulled the razor out and pressed it on my wrist..i keep on crying until Vic had to opened to opened the door OH NO I FORGOT TO HID THE RAZOR!!!! Vic looked at the razor and back at me,he was crying "Bee w-why you??" oh no!!! He just ran to me and hugged me crying on my sholder.. "Vic am sorry" i said crying in his chest "what made you do it?,when did u start??" he asked "people,i started couple of year's ago" i replied..."promise me you wont ever do it please bee i love you and i don't want to see you hurting your self ok?" i later i changed and i had to go to the meet and greet.
(Skipping Meet & Greet)
I decided to go on the BVB bus to apologies to Andy..Ashley opened the door,"hey sexican" Ashley winked "really funny dude" i said,"i came to talk to Andy,is he here??" "yes he should be in the back of the bus" "Thanks Ash"...i opened the back door and saw Andy watch tv.."umm..Andy can i talk to you??" "sure" "am so sorry of what happened earlier,you know what"

Andy's P.O.V
"am so sorry of what happened earlier,you know what" she said
I just think it wasn't i mistake i liked her alot,her lips were so soft!! am i falling in love with her??

Hi everyone hope you like this chapter cause i did any ways 2 more days until i go to school am going back to hell!!! Bye thug pugs!!!✌ see ya tomorrow!

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